I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Tuesday, April 4, 2006


Blogger Payne said...

I was reading this and I was thinking..what a Hypocrite!!“Per Ardua Ad Astra" (through adversity to the stars)
Who speaks Latin anyway? seriously.” Well, I went looking back through a few of emails my darling sent to me and oh my Gawd, what did I see at the end of them...
"Per Ardua Ad Alta" or
"Per Ardua ad Lectus" tsk tsk tsk.
(well you wanted me to answer your Blogg)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was reading this and I was thinking..what a Hypocrite!!“Per Ardua Ad Astra" (through adversity to the stars)
Who speaks Latin anyway? seriously.” Well, I went looking back through a few of emails my darling sent to me and oh my Gawd, what did I see at the end of them...
"Per Ardua Ad Alta" or
"Per Ardua ad Lectus" tsk tsk tsk.
(well you wanted me to answer your Blogg)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


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