I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I'm Back, Again....hopefully more often...

Well chances are if you are reading this you must have hit an old bookmark by accident as I haven't blogged in months. I plan on changing this shortly, but every journey begins with a single step so off I go...

I have recently moved to Ontario without my family (who will join me next year) and set up in a new place outside of Ottawa. It is a promotion for me which means my wife and daughter have more money to shop with ha ha! It has not however, been without it's share of problems.

The accommodations I was meant to stay in were not available for almost two months meaning that if I wanted to access the Internet it would have to be at the public library or possibly at Tim Hortons. The library was nice and quiet but sadly lacking in twelve-grain bagels. Either way it was not an environment conducive to blogging.

My trip out also was a nightmare with my piece of **** van breaking down twice on the way across. I actually had to spend an extra night in Thunder Bay. You know what there is to do in Thunder Bay?

...Me neither so you could imagine how much it sucked!

I am finally living in a decent spot, but alas, the heat has yet to work properly and it is currently 4 degrees celsius outside right now and if not for my 'winter coat' I would likely freeze to death. Nicole Richie would be an anorexic popsicle if she had to stay here.

Thankfully though, and most importantly for my oft-neglected readers I am finally set up and good to go and promise to be more productive in the days and weeks ahead.

Until next time remember, no Payne, no gain!


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