I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Payneful Top 10 - Why I am so Lame at Blogging on Time

Ok I admit, sometimes I am a little late in finally getting a blog out on time. It makes me feel guilty too since I don't want to disappoint. With that in mind I decided to make a top ten list that explains my tardiness. Here goes;

10) A lot of times I am quite eager to blog but I just can't find a decent topic. I try to write down ideas in advance but sometimes I can't really think of anything good.

9) Drama - Sometimes in my life I am dealing with things that are very distracting and when that happens I just don't have the energy to Blog.

8) My job - Until NPNG becomes a worldwide phenomenon, and I get thousands of hits a day, and I am featured on various entertainment shows, I have to rely on my day job to pay the bills. So reluctantly, I must sometimes do real work when I'd rather be blogging.

7) Vacation/time away - On the rare occasion I have a few days off I might actually get to go somewhere other than my house and try to avoid work of any sort. When that happens I try to find a guest blogger but that doesn't always work either.

6) My 2nd job - Yes that's right, I have a 2nd job too, on weekends, as a DJ. This time of year especially I am super busy with bookings almost every weekend and rarely have time to blog. The trade-off is I find a lot of good material during my gigs!

5) Procrastination - Sometimes I have great ideas, I just can't seem to get myself started. I tell myself, "I'll get to it later" and then I never do. I want to change that about myself, and I will...eventually.

4) Fizzle - My incredibly unscientific term for when I can't actually keep writing because my 'excellent idea' may not have been as excellent as I had hoped. It happens a lot on top ten lists when I think of 6 or 7 things and can't think of the last 2 or 3. In fact this blog was going well until I got to number 6, then I ran out of steam and left it for 4 hours.

3) Borat - I dunno, he seems to get blamed for everything these days if you go by all the lawsuits filed against him.

2) Coaching hockey, going to kids school activities, going out to friends places to watch UFC events, tickets to hockey or football games, and the occasional volunteer job or family gathering out of town. If I had fewer interests I could blog more often, but then I'd be a bigger loser than I already am.

...and finally, the main reason I don't always get my blogs out in a timely manner;

1) Because I am lazy.

No rocket science there, it's just the way it is. I hope you have found this to be informative and somewhat entertaining. I will try to get something done tomorrow before you all stop reading.

Until next time, (which hopefully will be tomorrow), remember, no Payne no gain!


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