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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bonehead of the Week #22 - Dr. Charles Smith

Dr Charles Smith, the disgraced former pathologist is currently the subject of a public inquiry into his findings in dozens of cases of suspicious deaths in children. This has to be a tough job and the pressures must me immense but man, what an IDIOT!

Thanks to this incompetent liar, 1 babysitter was found guilty of shaking a baby to death which it appears now didn't happen. 1 mother is behind bars for killing her child and 1 poor gentleman, William Mullins-Johnson, spent 12 years behind bars for sodomizing and smothering his niece. It has now come out that it never happened and today Smith apologized. Surprisingly Mullins-Johnson actually forgave Smith. I can't even imagine the hell this poor guy went through being accused of the worst crimes imaginable and facing that type of hatred for 12 years.

It's such a mess, how many more wrongful convictions have there been? Even worse, how many cases will be overturned because of this man's mistakes where the guilty party is actually guilty?

For years of lies, exaggerations, mistakes, assumptions and overall reprehensible behaviour I hereby bestow the title of Bonehead of the Week on Dr. Charles 'Your guess is as good as mine' Smith.

Until next time remember, no Payne, no gain.


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