I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Monday, May 15, 2006

My Pet Peeves!

I realized that with my advancing age I am starting to notice my pet peeves a lot more. I don’t know if I have more or if I am just more intolerant of certain things but I have a lot of them. Some make sense like when people answer with “Huh?” But others are totally irrational, like when people take stuff out of a microwave early and then don’t hit ‘clear’ so I can’t read the clock. I thought on a slow day like today I would write down a few that you might agree with and some that will confirm what you already know…something is seriously wrong with my brain.

People not closing doors, did you forget how to operate it? Is that an invite for others to come in?
People leaving lights on when they leave a room. Maybe you are afraid of the dark, but the room isn’t
People saying ‘but’ as in “I agree with what you’re saying but I would like to do it this way” or “I know you are busy but I need this from you” If you agree with me then agree with me and if you know I am busy leave me alone!….or I will blog about you behind your back.
Girls that let out a high-pitched scream over minor things; Example dropping something, tripping, getting chased by an axe wielding maniac etc. Anonymous but you know who you are so now my wife can’t say I don’t mention her in my blog. D’Oh!
Guys that punch inanimate objects when angered. (Unless I am the one doing the punching in which case it is perfectly acceptable) You can’t beat an inanimate object, it has no feelings.
People that don’t say excuse me when nudging past you. That’s just rude…those people should be punched instead of inanimate objects.
People that press the crosswalk signal or the elevator button after I already pressed it. (What? Did I do it wrong? Can you press it better? Do you have a secret technique?)
Unhappy people doing customer service. If you are not happy then find a new job. I just want my Quarter pounder with cheese, hold the attitude. Aren’t the smiles still free?
Parents that let children have tantrums in public places. Get a grip, if you let them get away with that they will grow up and become politicians, or reality show cast members.
Disrespectful people -
People on public transit (or anywhere for that matter) that don’t give up their seats to the old. They’ve lived longer than you, show some courtesy and let them sit. Same goes for disabled people, have a heart and sit.
Yellow crayons – I dunno, I just hate how it looks on paper
Green cars – Green is a good colour for a crayon, not a car, especially light green
Blue hair – Unless you are an old person, then it’s a requirement.
Red eyes – Leanr to use the red eye reduction mode on your camera, or stop taking pictures in the dark.
The Dutch (just kidding)

I have more, (like girls leaving the toilet seat down, what if we go in the middle of the night and pee on the seat?) but I guess that’s it for now. If you have any I would love to hear from you. I will publish any that you write, just click down below where it says comments. Until next time remember, no Payne no gain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a couple that always irked me.
People who pronounce FILM, "FILUM".
It's only one sylable. I've even heard someone say "I'm going to be FILUMING my daughters concert with a video camera."

People who say "Can you borrow me 5$?" It's lend. Can you LEND me 5$. You will BORROW something from me and I will LEND it to you.

The magic Photoshop CSI button you see on tv to clean up grainy pictures so they come out crystal clear. I won't go into the details as to why it's impossible but I think most photographers feel the same way I do.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have as many as Dave here(thank gawd!) but some of mine are: The VRC clock flashing 12:00, 12:00 while I am trying to watch a movie, drives me nutz, people that lick and suck their fingers after every potato chip, use a napkin!and lastly, graffiti when it is spelled wrong. I saw one the other day, "Tammy is a woar" its whore! If you are going to vandalize the bathroon door and defame some poor girl, at least get it right!!
I am afraid that I am a repeat offender of Ward's second peeve! I always ask to borrow. Drives Dave nutz!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pet peeves are dangerous territory with a juniour high teacher at the end of May:
1. Students who ask, with three weeks left of school, "What can I do to bring my mark up?".
2. Concerned parents of struggling students that suddenly appear in the last month of school....but were suspiciously absent the first 7 months of the year.
3. 13 year old girls who squeel and jump up and down when they're excited.
4. Adolescents who still haven't grasped personal hygiene.
5. Parents/Students who are SHOCKED that you aren't available to help their kid before school, after school and on every lunch hour. ESPECIALLY when those kids don't listen when they're IN CLASS!
6. People that complain about their jobs all the time.....oh wait.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

-the expression "bleeping rights", or any other combination of words that has the word "rights" were "right" should be.

-people who think they are whispering, but they're actually just talking moderately more quietly.

-people who talk REALLY LOUDLY in public places on their cell phone.

-neighbours who drop their cigarette butts on your driveway/lawn.

-when people say the word "belch" as they're belching...you all know who I mean.

-when you're around someone really funny, so you try to be witty too....only to tragically and obviously fail. doh.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


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