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Thursday, May 4, 2006

NHL Playoffs - 2nd Round Predictions

I can't believe I got beat by a monkey and a coin! Oh well no turning back now. The 'Battle of Alberta' will have to wait another year it seems as Calgary wilted when it counted most. Only two Canadian teams left so without further ado here are my predictions along with what 'the coin' says about round number two.

Eastern Conference

OTTAWA VS BUFFALO - The Sabres easily handled the bigger slower Flyers, but the Sens are not the Flyers. The Sens are big and fast and seem to have it going on. Emery edges Miller in the rookie Goalie battle and although I give the edge to Ottawa, this will go longer than expected. Sens in 6 (the coin picked the Sabres)

CAROLINA VS NEW JERSEY - Carolina woke up after game 2 against Montreal and in front of a stellar Cam Ward and with the leadership of Brind'Amour. New Jersey is unbeatable in the last 15 and that won't stop anytime soon. Carolina, beware of Elias! New Jersey in 6 (Coin picked the canes)

Western Conference

SAN JOSE VS EDMONTON - I think Cheechoo and Thornton will take it up a notch in this series and Marleau is already at the top of his game. The Sharks only worry is if the goaltending can stay sharp. Edmonton is on a high after ending Yzerman's career and is poised for another upset. Hemsky is awake and Roloson is stingy. I am going out on a limb and picking Edmonton in 7 (Coin picks the Sharks)

ANAHEIM VS COLORADO - The Ducks are very well balanced and are looking to repeat what they did in 2003. The Neidermayers are enjoying playing together and don't want to stop yet, and Teemu is playing the best he has in years. I think Theodore is about to pull a Turco and the Avs won't match the Ducks work ethic. Anaheim wins it in 6 (the Coin agrees with me)

Hopefully I am better with the 2nd round! My revised pick for the finals is Ottawa over Anaheim in 6.


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