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Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Budget 06 - It's about time!

I was doing some research into this budget and analyzing facts and figures while writing this blog and by the time I got to the end I realized it was waaaaaay too long. Also it sounded like a rehash of what the CBC posted online. So I scrapped it and started over.

For me the bottom line was tax cuts. I am so tired of listening to the political left whine and cry about social programs and the environment and the arts. I don't mean to sound cold but who cares! I feel we spend too much in those areas already and as much as 'The Left' wants you to believe that No one can afford an education. They want you to believe that people can't afford to live without government handouts (i.e. welfare). They practically claim that the end is near and our environment is about to be destroyed. lets remember that emissions actually increased under the Liberals and that so much was wasted (Sponsorship scandal, Gun Registry, Tainted blood) that I really could care less what 'The Left' says anymore.

Aside from 'The Left' I don't hear a lot of bonafide negatives from this budget. Frankly I wouldn't pay attention anyways. The majority of voters now see real tax cuts, small, but certain, with more on the way. It is at the very least a step in the right direction.

As I tell anyone interested in the poilitical process you have to basically decide based on the issues that you find important. So if you are a Kyoto at all costs person or part of the population that will see your taxes rise a half percent then maybe you don't like this budget. Luckily that's not me.

For me I was primarily concerned with military and security spending as well as tax cuts...Done and done. I like the way the Tories are looking at places to cut spending. I like their approach to child care. I like the little 250 dollar (soon to be 1000) employment benefit. I even like the childs sports subsidy. Are these huge cuts? No, will 6 cent GST really allow me to afford a cottage? Obviously not, but it is a step in the right direction and I think in the long term having us pay less tax will let us spend more which benefits everyone.

I am no economist, but if I give you more money than you used to have, could you spend it?

So my thumb is firmly up in support of this budget, and I am willing to enjoy the extra spending money in this horribly polluted wasteland we call Canada while surrounded by the newly destitute and uneducated(tongue firmly planted in cheek). So until next time remember, no Payne no gain!


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