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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

NHL Playoffs - Off Nights

A few posts ago I said the playoffs were like Christmas. Well yesterday and today were more like Christmas Eve in that I know there is going to be goodies tomorrow but I have to wait until I get them.

I got into my usual playoff mode yesterday, rushing home from work and feigning interest in my family until after supper when James Duthie and the crew at TSN do their pre-game set up for the night's action. Apparently one of my children accomplished something major yesterday but all I could think about was who would win in the Eastern Conference between Carolina and Buffalo.

Just as I finished scarfing down dinner it donned on me that there would be no hockey until Wednesday as the Edmonton - San Jose series was the only 2nd round match still going. "Noooooooooooooooooo!" I exclaimed to which my wife responded; "What do you mean no? that is a great achievement for your daughter. You should be proud." It was then that I reluctantly passed on my congratulations and moped about not having hockey.

I hate off nights during the NHL Playoffs. It isn't fair to get us all worked up and then after a month of games every night just shut us out cold turkey like that. I need my hockey fix, I don't care how I get it either.

All was not lost however as good old Shaw cable had the Manitoba Moose vs Grand Rapids Griffins on TV! Phew! Close one. Not the best production values however so I did fit in a little nap before the Moose won. Who does the camera work for Shaw anyway? It's awful, I haven't seen anything that unsteady since I sold my Ford.

I need the NHL playoffs back in a hurry....c'mon Santa come through for me since you never gave me that bike I asked for! Oh well one more night I guess. Until next time remember no Payne, no gain!


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