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Sunday, July 9, 2006

Bonehead of the Week #7 - "The Urinator"

One of the many, many benefits to being a guy is the ability to pee where we want, with accuracy. Ask any guy and he will tell you that he has peed his initials in the snow at some time. Guys can pee without taking our pants off, we can pee over the side of a boat, we can pee out of a car window, (though I don't recommend it). We can pee anywhere.

On many occasions we have peed outside while camping, fishing, partying and more often than not the amount of wonton, outdoor urination is directly proportional to the amount of alcohol consumed. As with many activities, alcohol often causes serious lapses in judgement. The following is a case in point

On Canada Day in our nation's capital two youths and the adult pictured here, were in dire need of a bathroom. I can appreciate that as I have often been somewhere, desperately seeking a bathroom and been unsuccessful. The idiot in question, however clouded by inebriation still could have picked a better target for a golden shower.

The National War Memorial stands in Ottawa as a symbol to all those brave souls that have sacrificed their lives to maintain the freedoms we enjoy in Canada. It also contains the remains of "The Unknown Soldier," liberated from Europe to finally rest at home in Canada. The site is not only a memorial but a grave site. I look upon the graves of all our fallen soldiers with the utmost respect. I can't conceive of much that is more disgusting than someone urinating on a grave.

The individuals that did this of course are not the only ones to blame either. Our education system sadly doesn't teach nearly enough about our military history, or our legacy of heroic action throughout history. I bet most people wouldn't know too much about the War Memorial if you quizzed them. The government is also culpable for not providing money in the budget to see that adequate security is provided. In other nations a full military sentry is in place to show respect and honour the dead. Clearly that would have been a great investment on Canada Day.

All that being said the bottom line is that alcohol is no excuse, nor is supervision. We are all responsible for our actions, and this yahoo is no different.

For desecrating the memories of our war dead, and showing no common sense or bladder control, I present the 7th BOTW to; "The Urinator"

Check back this week for UFC info, CFL predictions, my top 10 list and more, and remember, no Payne no gain!


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