I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Friday, June 30, 2006


On the eve of the Canada day long weekend I wanted to take the time to explain 10 things that make our country great.

Our Beer – Canadian beer is some of the finest in the world, and as a Canadian who has travelled abroad, I can definitively say that our beer is part of our identity. You don’t realize how much you miss it until you haven’t had it for a while. We are fiercely loyal to our beer too. Blue, Canadian, Kokanee all have a following as do others and the Molson and Labatt’s breweries

Hockey – The most exciting sport in the world has been around a long time thanks to this great nation. While other countries are getting better and better, no one can match our passion for the game. Hockey is part of the fabric of what makes us Canadian and our hockey heroes are held in the highest regard. Superstars like Wayne Gretzky, Rocket Richard and Gordie Howe are more than players, they are icons; and whether it’s played in front of 20,000 screaming fans under the television lights or on a pond at sunset our game will always be hockey.

CFL Football – Ok so the biggest stars are in the NFL and usually American but the style of our game and the character of the fans and stadiums across the country are what make this game stand out. The CFL has at times been even higher profile than the NFL but when you are competing with a country that has 10 times your population you may not get the exposure you want. The league has undergone a resurgence in recent years and is now more popular than it has been for a long time. The fans in Riderville, or Steel town are just as fervent as those in any big American city and our sense of ownership of the league makes it more like part of the family than a big business.

Tim Horton’s
– While most customers arguably have no idea that Tim Horton was a real guy, and a standout player for Toronto and Buffalo in the NHL, They all know where their nearest store is. It’s not just the coffee, or the donuts that make ‘Timmy’s’ great it’s the fact that the chain is uniquely Canadian and whether it’s the free Timmy’s coffee for deployed troops, or the new Timmy’s opening on the base in Afghanistan, or the sponsorship of youth sports and camps and many other things, Tim Horton’s is everywhere. From the big city to the smallest town, when you step inside a Tim Horton’s you are home.

Our geography – From the massive old growth forests in BC, to the Rocky cliffs and seaside villages in Newfoundland our country has some of the most diverse geography in the world. Want Arctic Tundra? Travel to the territories. Want the pristine open sky of the prairies, see Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Do you long for the Urban jungle? See Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Mountains, Rivers, Lakes or oceans are there to enjoy in any season and the small communities that stitch our country together offer all sorts of quaint experiences. I bet you didn’t know we even have deserts! Regradless of your preference there is a piece of Canada for you.

Don Cherry/Hockey Night in Canada – Hockey Night in Canada has been around before people even had television. The Canadian staple has been around longer than the American program ‘Monday Night Football.’ What was started by legendary play by play pioneer Foster Hewitt has evolved into a juggernaut in Canadian broadcasting with Bob Cole, Harry Neale, Ron MacLean and of course….Don Cherry! ‘Grapes’ is one of the most passionate Canadians you will ever meet. Imparting his vast knowledge of hockey and the odd outrageous opinion he never ceases to generate discussion. While he didn’t win the CBC’s ‘Greatest Canadian’ show, in the hearts and minds of many Don Cherry is the King.

Our funny guys – Canada has given the world some of the biggest laughs from hilarious Canadians like Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, John Candy, Dan Aykroyd, Howie Mandell, Dave Foley, Norm MacDonald, William Shatner, Matthew Perry, Martin Short, Phil Hartman, Leslie Nielsen and more have been and continue to be some of the greatest ambassadors for our country.

Our musicians – Paul Anka, Rush, The Tragically hip, The Barenaked Ladies, The Guess Who, Shania Twain, Celine Dion, Avril Lavigne, Alanis Morrisette, Michael Buble, Dianna Krall, Neil Young, Bryan Adams, Bruce Cockburn, Paul Schaffer, Sum 41, Simple Plan, Sarah McLachlin and even Stompin’ Tom Connors have provided the soundtrack for the special moments in our lives.

Our innovators – Without great minds like the ones belonging to the likes of James Naismith, Jaques Plante, Alexander Graham Bell, Armand Bombardier, and Lester B Pearson, we wouldn’t have; basketball, goalie masks, the Telephone, Snowmobiles or Peacekeeping.

Our people – I have travelled all over the world and have been overwhelmed by the reception I have received in every country I have visited, and I have been to a few; Australia, Bahrain, Japan, South Korea, Kuwait, China, Germany, USA, United Arab Emirates, Mexico, India, Malaysia and more and everywhere I went I was treated well. I was amazed at the outpouring of affection I received especially, in Korea and India. Canada is still very well respected around the world.

Now some may get on my case for what I left out and some may complain that 'Universal Health Care' or 'Freedom' or 'Multi-Culturalism' should have been included, but that's another great thing about Canada. Everyone can express their own opinions. I hope everyone has a fantastic Canada Day long weekend, please don't drink and drive.

...and if you can spare a minute of your time to think about all the Canadians serving the Canadian Forces Overseas and their families, that'd be great. Now let's raise a toast to my favourite 139 yr old, CANADA!

If you are near a computer over the weekend check back to see BOTW#6. Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!


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