I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Payneful Top 10 - 10 Things I am Fascinated by Right Now

I have the attention span of a 3 yr old. it really is pretty amazing. Luckily for me I haven't been very bored lately because there are so many things going on. Below is a brief list of the top 10 things that are keeping my pea-sized brain occupied.

10) Michael Buble Tunes - I am not a big jazz fan. In fact if I had to make a meal out of my music, Jazz would be brussel sprouts! (I'll take it if I have to, but I won't enjoy it). Actually Only Country music is lower on the 'food' chain than jazz as far as I am concerned BUT, I really like Michael Buble. First off he's a B.C. boy like myself and I enjoy singing along to his songs. Anyway, lately I have illegally downloaded many of his classics. My favourite right now is the Spiderman theme! You have to check it out.
9) Kimbo Slice - If you don't know who Kimbo is then just type his name into a search on YouTube! The guy allegedly used to bareknuckle box ANYONE as long as you were willing to pay 10,000 bucks. Kimbo is an animal! I can think of a lot of ways to spend 10,000 large but getting my face caved in by Kimbo ain't one of them. Kimbo has since become a Mixed Martial Artist and fights legendary Tank Abbott around Valentine's day and I can't wait!
8) Zombie Movies - I love zombie movies that's no secret, and the big daddy of all things zombie, George A. Romero is set to release his next movie 'Diary of the Dead' this month and I am FREAKING out! I can't wait! This one is like a cross between 'The Blair Witch Project' and 'Night of the Living Dead' mmmmmmmmm zombies.

7) TMZ and other gossiping paparazzi - Britney Spears is an idiot. She is a girl with a LOT of problems who clearly needs help. I think a HUGE part of her trouble is the CONSTANT harrassment by paparazzi. Everyone hates parazzi but the problem is they keep watching gossip shows, and picing up gossip mags and so this just feeds the beast. One tv show in particular TMZ is so blatantly hateful and picking on celebs that it sickens me. It's at the point now where if I see it's on I change the channel. Now if only everyone else would do the same, then maybe things'll change.

6) Heath Ledger - He's dead, let's move on.

5) Robot Chicken - Possibly the best show on TV. Imagine stop motion animation with action figures from all your favourite shows with a sarcastic adult-themed edge. Nothing beats the Smurfs investigating one of their own as a serial killer, or Lindsay Lohan killing her peers Highlander style in an effort to take over the world. Every night on Teletoon, check it out.
4) American Gladiators - The muscle-bound dudes and hot chicks in spandex beating up on contestants is back and better than ever! Now most things involve ending up in a gigantic swimming pool after getting knocked off your objective. Hosted by Hulk Hogan and Layla Ali (Muhammed Ali's daughter). Although the Gladiator they call 'Wolf' makes me want to smash my TV.

3) Scientology - Imagine sitting around one day and deciding to create your own religion. Well that is exactly what L. Ron Hubbard did and celebrities all over like John Travolta and Tom Cruise have fallen for it. Scientology believes that you are what is called a 'Thetan' and you have lived many lives and will live many more. Well I'll take a pass if it means I have to keep watching Tom Cruise movies. Hey if you just invent a religion isn't that really just a cult?
2) Presidential race - I know I live in Canada, but the race is all over the news and I frankly find it to be a guilty pleasure. I don't much care about the Republican party but the Democrats are exciting. The battle between (potentially) the first woman president and the first (potentially) black president is like a prize fight! It's like the Superbowl and the Stanley Cup Playoffs all rolled into one. I liked watching Obama basically say to Hillary, "Look we know your husband (Former president Bill Clinton) is still running the show. AWESOME! Ha ha ha, then again the manager of the local 7-11 could probably do a better job than Bush.
Now, for the number one thing that is occupying my twisted mind at this moment.
1) UFC - I love the Ultimate Fighting Championships! Lately I have been spoiled with all the events that have been on and tomorrow is yet another one; UFC 81 - 'Breaking Point.' WOO HOO! Even though there is a title fight the match everyone is looking forward to most is a battle between former heavyweight champ Frank Mir and former Pro Wrestler Brock Lesnar who is making his UFC debut. I admit it's a circus but I can't wait! A virtual epic of face-punching glory!
So there you have it. The 10 main things that are keeping me from being productive. For those of you in the Southern Ontario/Southeastern Quebec region, enjoy the snow! Have a great weekend everybody.
Until next time remember, no Payne, no gain!


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