I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blogger Buffet - Fidel Castro, Movies, Timbaland and My Awesome Van

I've been away for the last three weeks on a management course. While I found it extremely invaluable and chock full of... (oh sorry I was yawning) useful information; I was also reeeeally bored. I didn't have cable or an internet connection so I couldn't blog, but I did scribble down a few things I felt like yapping about, and (as always) I had an adventure travelling to the town my course was in. See below for details.

The Importance of Oil Changes - Anyone who knows me knows I am NOT mechanically inclined. I know how to drive my van, and I know how to put in the gas, but after that I am pretty lost. I am the proud owner of a 98 Voyager that I affectionately call the P.O.S. mobile. The 'P' stands for piece by the way, figure the rest out on your own. (The same van that broke down in July while on a long road trip. See my blog about it for more) Well the P.O.S. was sounding awful and running poorly so before my odyssey began I thought I'd be proactive (for once) and get an oil change. Well the first part was easy since when they went to drain the old oil, there was none...That's right, I had no oil left. In fact once I understood that THAT was what was causing the awful sound I realized it hadn't had oil for almost 3 months. Needless to say there was a bit of engine damage. At that point I handled it with my usual keen sense of right and wrong....I said "Well fill it up so I can get going." It sounds GREAT now though!

Timbaland - Is it me or is this guy in every song/video out there? Who hasn't he worked with? Who's next? Josh Groban? Dwight Yoakam? Limp Bizkit???

Movies, Movies and MORE Movies - So I mentioned that this course wasn't exactly Med School year 3. Let's just say I had some free time. I went and saw 'Cloverfield' which I absolutely LOVED! In fact if anyone out there saw it and says they didn't like it, I would say you're a big fat dummy! Anyhow, I also watched a few DVD's too. In fact, in the 14 days I was there, I managed to watch 12 movies! The other two days probably involved beer. Oh and I finished with a 90% average so obviously not rocket science. I think I burned out my DVD player though!

Fidel Castro Steps Down After Almost 50 Years - Half a century ago a young law student and ex-con lead a revolution and took over The tropical island nation of Cuba. After decades of oppression and defiance against 10 different US presidents, (and an extremely limited wardrobe) Fidel finally called it quits at 81 years of age. Sure he was a bad guy but standing up to the US for that many years is impressive considering how little it takes to get the US to attack someone. I wonder if good Cuban cigars will get any cheaper?

Facebook Addiction Pt II - Further to my earlier post about my addiction to 'Crackbook', I have now found the sheer joy of friends for sale. What a great application! Not only can you enjoy your own increase in value as people get into bidding wars for you, but you can actually say to someone; (and I have ha ha) "I own you!" I currently 'own' 30 people (or pets) including all my coworkers...Some are more of a bargain than others!

Nuts! someone just bought two of my 'pets' so you'll have to excuse me while I buy them back. Until next time remember, no Payne, no gain!


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