I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Best Way to Watch Movies

I am a HUGE movie fan. I like Movies like the pope likes the bible, like Joanie loves Chachi or like Richard Gere loves the Dalai Lama. The thing is though, you can really improve your experience with the right setting so I thought I'd share with you my tips for properly enjoying movies.

Movie Theaters have the best set-up, but I am cheap so I can't justify seeing every movie there. Some movies however absolutely require the whole experience. Any epics like Braveheart, or the Last Samurai etc. as well as any special effects-laden film like Iron Man or the Transformers. Any Sci-fi movie must also be seen in theatres while surrounded by other like-minded nerds.

The opposite of this experience would be when you are watching a comedy or Sports movie. This must be done in a house, with lots of friends and good snacks. Screen size is irrelevant as long as everyone can see the flick which of course must be loud. The only difference between sports flicks and comedies is the audience. Sports flicks require just your guy friends. It's a bonding experience where you can comfortably lie about the athletic prowess of your youth without your spouse contradicting you with the inconvenient truth.

If you are watching a tragedy like Schindler's List or the Machinist I recommend you watch it quietly by yourself so that you may contemplate the message and cry if necessary without worrying about what your buddies think. You may possibly make an exception and include your significant other if you think appearing to be sensitive could further the cause ;)

Speaking of your partner/spouse; If the time has come to pay your dues and watch a chick flick like Pretty Woman or the Notebook or now I guess P.S. I Love You (I still can't believe the same dude from that flick also played uber-macho King of Sparta in 300), then no special preparation is required. Just watch it with your spouse on the couch and feign interest as best as you can to ensure she will sit through the Star Wars marathon on Spike TV without complaining. Who knows you might even like the chick flick (like when I watched The Other Sister, which still brings a tear to my eye). Remember though that whether you liked the movie or not it is never ok to admit it in front of your friends!

Finally, my favourite movie watching experience; Horror movies! While seeing them in the theatre is ok my favourite way is in the dark with really loud surround sound with no extraneous talking by fellow viewers. If you can swing it and watch it waaaaay out in a cabin in the middle of a nowhere, so much the better! Candles can provide enough light to see your snacks and spooky shadows and if you can somehow manage to scare your fellow viewers then you have created the perfect experience! Calling your friend's phone after watching the Ring, or repeatedly saying "Did you hear that?!" are all good and your imagination is the only limit.

There you have it! I hope this guide helps you enrich your movie watching experience and if you think I missed anything please add your comments below! Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!

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