I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Afghanistan - Flag Flap and Media Ban

Wow is this ever controversial. I think the thing that annoys me most is the fact that it seems like the media and the politicians all seem to be ranting and raving when the real issue is the fallen soldiers.

I think there are very good arguments in support of, and against both issues. I however don't like to sit on the fence so here is what I think.

For years and years before Chretien changed things in 2002 we only lowered the National Flag for very particular reasons. The death of a soldier was not one of those reasons. In an effort to be fair and not constantly bring down the morale of the country we only lowered it on Remembrance day, thus creating a standard. I think our Soldiers, Sailors and Airman that died fighting for our country did so to ensure the flag remained flying. What the current government has done was merely returned to the previous standard. Though admittedly they have handled it rather clumsily I still agree with the policy.

As for the new media ban again it could have been handled much better, but I think it is the right decision. I understand the rights of the public and the media and I also understand the desires of the military and the government. It is not an easy choice but if I am grieving the loss of a loved one I don't want the whole world watching. Some argue that the public wants to grieve also but I ask, when is it enough? How much coverage do we need? The public was informed of the deaths quickly. The explanations followed quickly from the appropriate sources, and the country saw the caskets being loaded into the aircraft for the trip home. What more does the public need? The families, if willing, gave interviews and the 'experts' weighed in, so again I say when is it enough?

Do we need to follow the funeral procession to the airport where the casket is loaded on another flight? Do we need to see the trip to the funeral home? the funeral itself? How about the graveside ceremony? When is it enough?

I don't think the public is served by constant reminders of this tragedy. All it does is push those people that are on the fence and uninformed of the importance of the mission into the knee jerk reaction that we should pull out. As I have ranted about on numerous occasions, that is not the answer and the Canadian Forces personnel that are there believe in what they are doing. I am sure that those who fell would have wanted the country to get on with it and to stop moping. The soldiers that are still there are already back at it, doing their part to ensure the security of our country. Maybe we should follow their lead.

As always if you have a differing opinion feel free to comment and I will post it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well put Dave, couldn't have said it better myself. You ought to forward that to the Free Press editor, it would probably get published.
The Captain

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, as much as I think that your post is valid, and as always, your writing is captivating, I am one of those that have the "other" opinion. While I agree with your flag comments, I don't agree with your opinion of the media ban. I think that these men are heros. That by seeing the flag wrapped coffins, Canada gets a chance to feel what this war, as necessary as I believe it is, is costing us. I think it is impossible to forget what is going on when you see it on every channel. I saw an interview with Paul Davis's father this morning, speaking on this very subject. He was greatful for the media coverage. In his grief, it was comforting to him to know that his sons death didn't go unnoticed. As for pushing the "uninformed" people off the fence, maybe they will see how the families are dealing with it, and in all the cases, see that the families as well as our soldiers truley believed in why they were out there, and question why. As for your comment on how we should "get on with it and and stop moping" I think that is very sad. I hope we as Canadians never " get on with it" like it never happened, and I don't think we are moping, so much as grieving. I for one will keep on grieving for them, their families and our Country!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

your flag comments are exactly right

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


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