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Saturday, April 22, 2006

NHL Playoffs - just like Christmas but longer!

The playoffs are underway after a looooooong layoff! I am giddy. I haven't been this excited since I got a Sega Genesis (think XBox but crappier and older) for Christmas. The best part is that unlike Christmas the playoffs don't end until at least June! I've had relationships that didn't last that long.

While I am disappointed that my Vancouver Cannots didn't make it to the dance I am a fan of great hockey and still enjoy the pace of a well fought playoff game. What a great start to the playoffs too. 2 overtime games and one even went to double OT.

A little surprised that San Jose was so flat. Kariya was in fine form getting assists on all the Nashville goals, I still think once Thornton and Cheechoo get rolling the series will end.

Ottawa as expected played great and not a bad debut for young Emery. the defending champs have the desire but lack the talent and execution.

Edmonton, or more specifically, Roloson played brilliantly and geave Detroit a run for their money until Maltby saved the day for the Wings. Legace doesn't get enough credit but I think this will be the year people outside the Red Wings dressing room realize his worth.

Calgary and Anaheim was my favourite of the night playing hard nosed bang and crash hockey. They even had a fight! I have to give respect to the born-again Finnish Flash, he is grittier than ever and really has regained his speed. Iggy was his usual powerful presence and the 'Bankrupt Banger' showed he still knows where to be with his game ending one timer. Bryzgalov had no chance. This series makes my mouth water.

I Still wish Vancouver had Burke. He is my hero. Well him or Ryan Seacrest. Is there an easier job than insulting Simon and introducing mediocre singers?

Tonight will be the opening night for the other 4 series and I expect we'll see more nailbiters. Yet another night of 'presents' from the NHL, and at least we won't be getting any sweaters! Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!


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