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Saturday, April 29, 2006

NFL Draft - Quick hit - Can't stand the hype

I love watching football, CFL or NFL, but I often get a little tired of the hype. These players are so coddled and spoiled by the time this draft starts it drives me crazy. Whatever happened to humility? I guess that's why I think Hockey players are the best athletes on the planet. Did you see the intro to the show? Ridiculous. Could you stroke the swollen egos of these primadonnas anymore?

40 minutes in and they are on pick number 10. Now that isn't a bad pace, 1 every 4 minutes, but the crap in between makes my brain hurt. Highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of these players is expected but all the crap about Reggie Bush, and Young's test scores I couldn't care less about. I'd much rather see the picks after and not put up with the ubiquitous 'analysis' that goes on ad nauseum.

I think the NFL has more than it's share of draft busts. I believe the NFL actually leads the pro leagues in draft busts. Michael Westbrook, Lawrence Philips, Tony Mandarich, or my all time Favourite Ryan Leaf. With all that in mind it still amazes me why people actually care about the draft. Sure there is legitimate excitement for players like Reggie Bush and Matt Lienart but there is no suspense whatsoever. For every Peyton Manning there is a Tim Couch or two and it has to be the longest, most boring show since 'The Bachelor reunion special.'

I'll take the NHL draft anyday, now there is some excitement. Well I managed to write long enough for the league to make two more picks and get down to #13....yawn. Time to go watch some NHL playoff hockey and maybe by the time the Tampa Bay Lightning get eliminated by the Ottawa Senators, the NFL will be on pick #18. Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!


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