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Friday, April 28, 2006

Why am I soooooo picky?

I wish I liked more foods. I really do. Unfortunately my whole life I have been a picky eater. I don't know why but I have. I have a friend that will eat anything. That is so cool. My friend can go anywhere and do anything and never worry about hating the food. I am not so lucky.

I remember as a kid I didn't like anything except bread and hot dogs. I didn't even like Pizza! at Thanksgiving my poor Mom had to make hot dogs because I wouldn't eat Turkey. I remember one time my Mother gave me peas with my supper and I wouldn't eat them, so she put me out on the porch (we lived beside a big dark scary forest) and told me I couldn't come in until I ate my peas...I was on the porch for 4 hours before my Mom put me to bed. Payne 1 - Peas - 0!

There are certain things I don't like that I can eat, like ; peppers, brussel sprouts and cauliflower. Unfortunately there are a lot of things I can't eat. Even one taste and I want to vomit. Some of the main culprits are; Mayonnaise, eggs, mushrooms (they're grown in poo) and various types of seafood like oysters, scallops and even salmon. It's ridiculous. I can't stand it but I can't help it either. I often joke with people that if I were on 'Fear Factor' all Joe Rogan would nead to do to make me quit is serve me a mushroom omelette with a hot coffee on the side and I would run screaming, (I don't like coffee either).

Some things make absolutely no sense. I love tomato sauce on my pasta or pizza but I hate tomato juice, tomato soup and tomatoes on my salads or burgers. You know what is even worse than tomato juice? clamato juice. Who the hell thought that one up? "Man I am thirsty, and I don't want water or milk what else do I have...oh here is some tomato juice. What would spice this up? I know! Why don't I squeeze this clam into it?!" Gross! Seafood & veggies together, what other combos could ever compete?

I love onions on my hot dogs but hate them in my salad. I like lettuce in my caesar wrap but not on my burgers. I love chicken like I like breathing but I am not a big fan of a roasted chicken. It makes no sense.

I have made strides though. in the last 15 years I have grown to like salads and Chinese food, and Stir fry (as long as there's no gross stuff in it). I used to hate most desserts and now I can't think of anything better than some warm apple pie. I enjoy rice and I eat pork occassionally. I drink Green tea with no sugar or milk and nothing tastes better in a stir fry then broccoli so maybe there is hope for me yet. I even eat cream cheese now.

I really enjoy visiting other countries and experiencing different cultures but if I stayed too long I would starve. I am so picky. I wish I could eat other stuff but after 35 years....it ain't gonna happen. Maybe if I live to be reeeeeeeeally old, like my parents, (I'm kidding) I will like old people food like liver and onions or my Mom's personal favourite, pickled herring! Yeeeuck!

Now to make matters worse my kids are becoming picky eaters. I think it is payback for my poor parents. I know they are having a good laugh. I have one kid that hates meat, (unless it's hamburgers) one kid that won't drink anything ever! and I have one kid that sometimes likes things and sometimes doesn't. "I don't like bacon today Dad" I suppsoe I deserve it though.

Anyway I would write more but I am hungry and the only thing in my fridge is mushrooms and eggs. I guess I'll order Pizza or something. Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave the rambler strikes again!

Saturday, April 29, 2006


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