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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Chase the Ace

Well you knew it was inevitable. Ace was in over his head on Idol and with only 7 contestants left there was nowhere to hide. Ironically his perfomance last night was one of the best in weeks but alas, too little too late. I was getting tired of his 'Blue Steel' look and boyband fashion sense anyhow.

I am shocked and appaled that Chris was the last one that was safe. If he would have gone I would have changed the channel with my foot....repeatedly. I thought Chris did a great job changing things up with the Louis Armstrong classic, "What a Wonderful World" and he is still my favourite to win.

Taylor was his usual soulful self and Elliott is cool though I can't figure out why he keeps getting into the bottom 3. Katharine is gorgeous but I am tired of her constant melancholy performances and the whole Dad thing is driving me nuts. Awwww look he's crying he's so proud. Big deal! I mean I have a daughter and I wouldn't....ok well yah I probably would cry but it's ok for me to do because I like me! Again I digress. Kelly blew it but is cute enough to hang around because of her 'great shoes' which just leaves Paris.

Like Simon says you are a great singer just don't talk. I may have paraphrased but c'mon, that voice is awful, it makes me want to plug my ears with something sharp.

Next week is Andrea Bocelli the blind opera singer. At least we don't have to worry about him trying to make sexy faces into the camera as it swings around him. I am interested to see what they sing next week. Wouldn't it be nice if they had Metallica night or maybe something obscure like Bjork? or I know how about a RuPaul night! Ok I have lost it now. Stay tuned.


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