I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Blogger Buffet

I hope everyone is enjoying our beautiful Spring weather. As a long time seasonal allergy sufferer I know I am enjoying the season. As long as I am inside with the air conditioner going and heavily medicated. So while I am stuck inside I thought I would tie up a few loose ends and have another 'Blogger Buffet' with subjects ranging from federal opposition parties to American Idol and more. Let's get to it, I'm famished!

  • DEFENCE CRITICS - I watched a segment on Canada AM on CTV this morning and listened to Russ Hiebert, parliamentary secretary to the defence minister, defending the government's decision to extend the mission in Afghanistan. I am not going to bother going on about that mission, (for once, but maybe another day) as it was something else entirely that got me going this time. I listened to NDP defence critic Dawn Black and Liberal defence critic Ujjal Dosanjh moan about there dislike for the idea when it hit me. Wasn't Ujjal just the Minister of Health? How does he suddenly know about the military? Has he ever served? Any experience with DND? Same goes for Dawn Black, I doubt she ever fit in uniform so what qualifies them to speak to these issues? It makes me sick.
  • ORIGINAL SURVIVOR WINNER RICHARD HATCH - He goes to jail for not paying his sizeable taxes and stole or 'borrowed' money from his own charitable foundation. Yah good one Richard, it wasn't like anyone knew you had a pile of money or anything...At least he doesn't have to worry about what most men worry about when they go to prison. In fact that might be seen as a positive. I wonder if they have immunity idols in prison and what the 'challenges' would be like. At least he doesn't have to spend time with Crazy Sue while he's locked up.
  • AMERICAN IDOL- I liked Taylor from day one but eventually began to cheer for Chris. He's gone and it looks like the "Silver Fox" will beat jug ears Elliott and stuck up Katharine. I still think Chris will end up with more fame in the long run.
  • THE MANITOBA MOOSE - I now know a second universal sign for choking...The Manitoba Moose logo! What a horrendous failure. I haven't seen a collapse like that since my Dad built me a tree fort (minus the tree). How do you blow a 4-1 lead in game 7? The worst part of this is that it could be an ignominious end to Mike Keane's stellar career. Not to mention the retirement of Moose Broadcaster Kelly Moore after 12 years. A shame he didn't get to call a championship.
  • GAME 6 OILERS VS SHARKS - Toskala gets the start and I think he will be worried about Nabokov replacing him and that will make him try to hard. If he isn't relaxed he should blow it and the dynamic duo of Cheechoo and Thornton seems lost. Nieminen can't do anything except take stupid penalties and the Oilers seem determined. It ends tonight with a convincing victory.
  • GUN REGISTRY - Huge waste of money, ineffective from the start and another coil on the steaming dung-heap that was the Liberal Government. It is very refreshing to see the Harper Government slowly dismantling this boondoggle. (I always wanted to use that word!) I wish someone could explain to me how charging some law-abiding citizen to register his rifle with some bureaucratic monster is going to stop someone from shooting me with a stolen pistol. Why not spend that money on more resources for the police, and levy stiffer sentences to criminals that use a gun in the commission of a crime? Nah that would never work (I am rolling my eyes).
  • THE DA VINCI CODE - I read the book and I can't wait to see the movie! Unfortunately there is a lot of controversy surrounding its religious content and it's possible misrepresentation. I don't get it. It is a work of fiction, I know it isn't true. I didn't watch Friday the 13th and assume that all goalies were unkillable, machete-wielding murderers. I knew it was fiction and enjoyed it. People need to lighten up. Watch the movie and then complain.

Alas it is time for me to take more Claritin before my head explodes but I hope you enjoyed the buffet. Tonight should be a great night for viewing as hockey is back tonight and we get to see who the final two are on Idol. Until next time remember, no Payne no gain.


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