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Friday, May 19, 2006

Klutzology 101

I am sure that in everyone's life they have had a misstep that has led to some pretty funny and occasionally painful pratfalls. I have done enough 'research' into this topic to qualify as a klutzologist! Some of my 'research' includes but is not limited to;

-Breaking my collarbone in a slip and fall, on two separate occasions.
-Slipping on a hockey rink and knocking myself out cold.
-Tripping on stairs and spraining my ankle
-Jumping (not quite) over a low barrier with my hands in my pockets to impress the ladies in Jr. High then landing on my face. (Mike's favourite story)
-Falling out of trees, tripping over pretty much anything, walking/running into a wide variety of inanimate objects as well as stubbing toes and slamming fingers at will.
-Of course my most infamous episode left me with a bullet wound in my right leg. (yes I was the operator of the firearm used in the incident)

My most recent bit of 'research' happened this morning as I rode my bike to work. It was a cool morning and I was riding along a path that ended with about a 6 inch drop to the road surface. I don't like riding off of something and landing on my front tire so I tend to pull up the front end so that both tires land simultaneously. I suppose that this morning I had been particularly enthusiastic about pulling as I was at about a 45 degree angle as I left the path. It was at this point that I noticed something was terribly wrong.

Y'know how when something bad happens it seems like slow motion? Well this isn't one of those times. I do remember catching a glimpse of my front tire being in a location other than it should have been, then all of a sudden I was doing a speed roll along the pavement. When I had come to rest I wondered what had happened and walked back to where my bike lay and noticed that the front tire was no longer standard equipment. I, in my infinite wisdom, didn't realize I had a quick release front tire. It works well apparently. I ended up carrying my now 2 piece bike home rather sheepishly before walking to work. Luckily all I hurt was my pride.

This latest 'research' proved to me about the importance of knowing your equipment. I likely would have checked my front tire more often had I bothered to realize it was a quick-release. I'd like to think that I am able to put this incident behind me and learn from my mistakes, but that just wouldn't be my style.

I am after all working towards my Masters degree in Klutzology.

Until next time remember, no Payne, less hospital visits...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a klutz is no big deal....I think it's worse to be a 30 year old man and whine for two weeks that your head hurts because a four year old head butted you......especially when the four year old didn't even flinch!

Thursday, May 25, 2006


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