I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Blogger Buffet - Random Rants

As the Government grinds to a halt after a solid 4 months of work I thought I'd take this opportunity to rant about a few things that I've noticed. Some intrigue me, some annoy me and some I find fascinating. Today I am all over the map, UFC, Paparazzi, celebrity dish, CFL predictions, NASA and more. Enjoy!
  • Celebrities and paparazzi - So Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman got married recently and are now jetting to a provate resort for their honeymoon. There is a lot of secrecy involved since they want to avoid the paparazzi and that sucks. I can't believe how much people care about what Angelina is dressing her baby in, or who Paris Hilton is with or how bad a Mom Britney Spears is. I think there needs to be a law against the paparazzi or at the very least a season in which they may be hunted for sport. Call it population control for an annoying pest.
  • UFC 61 Pay Per View and more... - The finale of The Ultimate Fighter Season 3 wrapped up with some exciting fights on Saturday and Wednesday we get more fights on Spike TV followed closely by the big Pay Per View on the 8th of July. Mixed Martial Arts is a fast rising sport and every event the UFC puts on is more popular than the last. The main event in the next PPV is Tito Ortiz vs Ken Shamrock and the more I think about it the more excited I get. These guys HATE each other, and I mean HATE! Think Rocket Richard/Ted Lindsay or Roger Clemens/Mike Piazza or even Road Runner/Wile E Coyote. This will be the best PPV yet.
  • Canadian Members of Parliament get 20% 'cost of living' raise - Are you S***ting me?! 20%?! That means approx 24,000 bucks a year and that isn't even there salary. I wish I could get that kind of a raise. I remember one year getting a raise of .6%...not 6%, .6% how cheap is that? not even a whole percent! Next election can we vote them all out of office?
  • My skill at predicting the outcome of sporting events - As some of you remember my NHL playoff predictions were less than stellar with me getting out-guessed by a coin and a primate. Well in week 1 of the CFL I was 3 of 4, and I managed perfection for week 2...0 of 4, that's right, 4 games and I picked every one wrong! Ugh, stay tuned Friday when I pick again.
  • Rush Limbaugh, Naomi Campbell and Axl Rose - Sounds like the start of a good joke but the only funny thing here is how little any of the following stories surprised anyone. Rush Limbaugh got caught with drugs that weren't prescribed to him, Naomi Campbell beat another servant (this time because she couldn't find her jeans) and Axl Rose was loaded (surprise) and attacked and bit a hotel security guard in Sweden. The funniest thing out of all of this is that the drugs Rush was caught with were Viagra! Maybe he should try Trimspa instead...
  • NHL DRAFT/Big Trades - I always enjoy the draft but this year I had no real interest in who went where (unlike last year with the Crosby sweepstakes) I just wanted to see if there were any trades. The biggest story was the day before the draft when Vancouver unloaded the sulking hulk Todd Bertuzzi (Steve Moore Sucks...just needed to say that) and got Roberto Luongo. The next biggest story of course was Edmonton fan favourite Chris Pronger asking out of Alberta much to the dismay of the fans. I'm not saying Pronger's whipped, but- Ok I am saying he's whipped.
  • World Cup 2nd round - Now it gets interesting, a few upsets, the Americans went home early and the Brazilians look unstoppable. Some highlight reel goals have made it interesting and those fans are NUTS! Soon we will be down to 8. Go England! Hey they're the only team with a Canadian (Owen Hargreaves).

Finally before I go a happy 30th Birthday to the world tallest free standing structure, the CN Tower in Toronto. Ontario's largest over-compensation was expected to be the tallest for about 8 years but still holds the title. I have been a few times and it's worth the price of admission. Check back tomorrow for the newest feature, my Payneful Top 10 List. Until next time remember, no Payne no Gain!


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