I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

100th Blog Entry Extravaganza!

It took me 1 day short of 4 months but I have finally made it. Now maybe it isn't on par with Cal Ripken's consecutive games played streak of 2632 or Doug Jarvis'964 game streak but it's definitely better than say, Elizabeth Taylor's streak of failed marriages, or 'Seinfeld' Alumnus' streak of failed sitcom attempts.

I thought I'd take a look at some of the hi-lites since this ride began.

1st blog - 13 March 2006, really lame but it was a start!

1st rant about something that bothered me – 14 March 2006 defending the Afghanistan mission.

21 April 2006 changed the layout completely, added links and my buddy Side Show joined the team at NPNG.

27 Apr 2006 debut of ‘Blogger Buffet', one of my more popular features.

27 May 2006 debut of the 'Bonehead Of The Week feature' (Duncan O’Mahony). This was hugely popular and I have had several requests for people to be named the BOTW. (Inside info) My Daughter is creating a new graphic for the BOTW feature, it looks great, look for it later in the month.

19 June 2006 My first ever live blog for the 7th game of the Stanley Cup finals. A lot of fun and reading it over will be cool in the years ahead.

28 June 06 debut of ‘Payneful top 10’ Scary movies, I have lots of ideas for it. It may be the most fun thing on here to write.

Out of the first 100 blog entries there have been;
BOTW – 7 entries, Payneful Top 10 lists – 3 entries, and the 'Blogger Buffet' has been featured 8 times.

I have made 16 serious rants, 32 sports entries, and offered my idiotic take on life 15 times.

My 5 favourite entries are;
-Live playoff blog, 19 June 06
-Easter Candy...Groan! (18 Apr 06)
-My Pet Peeves (15 May 06),
-Some of my Blogger Buffet’s, and,
-My latest Payneful Top 10 – What I’ve Learned about Women (12 Jul 06)

My least favourite entry – Why Do I Blog? (24 Apr 06), I was reeeeeally tapped for ideas. This one stunk but I keep them all so I can see my progress.

I added a counter and past the 100 hit mark on 9 May 06 and passed 1000 hits on Canada Day 06. I average roughly 20 – 40 hits a day and am hoping to reach 10,000 hits before Halloween.

I have had readers somehow from Europe and the US which I still haven't figured out how they found me.

Some comments have been great, others have been odd but I have valued all of them.

I want to thank everyone that has read NPNG so far, especially those of you that recommended me to others. It has been very encouraging to hear your kind words. I am very proud of what I have done so far and hope to improve it even more.

In the days and months ahead I have plans for some minor changes and some additions, like categorizing the archives to ease searching (The female readers are bored by my sports entries, this way they can skip them) and there will be some guest bloggers, interviews and a new feature with my good friend Side Show, but more on that later. Soon I will also be introducing you to a new blogger that will offer his take on Hollywood. Look for that one in a few weeks.

I hope you have enjoyed the first four months and that you will be around as we move forward. Spread the word if you like what I'm doing, and as always if you don't like it please comment or email me (my email address is at the top of the page). Also I am ALWAYS open to ideas or suggestions for BOTW or Payneful top 10's, so if you think of something let me know.

Thanks again and for the next 100 entries remember, no Payne, no gain!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats Dave on your ever expanding blog opinions! I enjoy reading all those that don't relate to Hockey, UFC fighting, CFL, hmmmmm really all sports in general- SNORE! but heh I'm a girl...relate back to BLOG #99, girls luv to shop!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when does the Extra Special DVD come out, with commentary and deleted scenes?

Thursday, July 13, 2006


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