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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Blogger Buffet - Skating, UFC, the Nintendo Wii and Bond

So much to talk about and no logical way to connect any of it. I guess that's just the way my feeble, twisted mind works. I am at the point now where I have to write stuff down to ensure I will remember it later and though seeing it written jogs my memory I am often baffled when I see all the things that corssed my mind placed in a neat little list. I guess once you read on you'll see what I mean.

Ankle Bending - I am a huge hockey fan. I don't know many people around that are as obsessed with hockey as I am. Unfortunately for me I never played until I was 25. I played on the street but hockey was so expensive and there was no outdoor ice where I grew up so my skating skills are poor. I know hockey. I coach hockey, I play hockey (now), I play videogame hockey, I read about hockey, watch hockey, take part in hockey pools read books on hockey history. Though if you were to see me skate it's like someone with Parkinson's on stilts on a floor full of marbles. I have some excellent wipeouts and some unintended manoeuvres but do occasionally make a good move now and then. Still, very entertaining.

Next Generation Game Consoles - The XBox 360 came out last year and has turned a few heads but soon the competition will step up. Over the next few days we will see the debut of Sony's new 'Playstation 3' and Nintendo's 'Wii' (pronounced We). The bidding wars will soon begin on E-Bay and all three systems have something to offer. While XBox 360 is already established and has many cool features, the PS3 will be a blu-ray DVD player and have the best performance. The revolutionary control system of the Wii will offer a controller that responds to movement, so if you swing it like a bat, or a sword, or a golf club it will behave that way. Add to that the fact that it will be half the price and attract non-gamers and gamers alike and I think consumers are in for a Wiilly fun time!

UFC - You all know how much I love The Ultimate Fighting Championship and I am super excited about the next PPV UFC 65 Bad Intentions on Saturday. My man George 'Rush' St Pierre is ready to rumble and I want to see him beat Matt Hughes so bad it hurts. For those of you ready to scroll down because this doesn't interest you hang on one sec. George is a Canadian from Montreal and is one of the nicest, and most exciting fighters out there and listening to him speak is the best. I can't wait for Saturday. Hopefully he can do better than his counterpart Patrick Cote who got dominated in the season finale for The Ultimate Fighter Season 4. Stay tuned.

Casino Royale - Daniel Craig has been tagged to play the new James Bond in an old Bond story. The original story of how Bond became Bond, Casino Royale, was made as a comedy with David Niven ages ago but now with a fresh face why not a fresh start. The critics were awful towards Craig yet after some early reviews and much buzz they are poised to eat their words. From all accounts this movie is going to be fantastic and I can't wait to see it. It should be pointed out however that no one can replace Sean Connery. He is a God.

I don't really know what any of these things have to do with eachother but hey, that's the way my brain works (or doesn't). I am going to finish up with a Grey Cup prediction for this Sunday. It's bold and in your face but I am not afraid to speak my mind. Here goes;

The people in the South end zone seats are going to freeze to death.

...oh and the Lions will win by two touchdowns or more.

Until next time remember, no Payne, no gain.


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