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Monday, November 6, 2006

Bonehead of the Week #19 - Kevin Glenn, Blue Bombers QB

I know that I already did a Bonehead from the world of sports last week but I couldn't resist this week.

The Winnipeg Blue Bombers have not won the Grey Cup since 1990 and haven't even gotten to the big game since 2001. They aren't Saskatchewan pathetic yet but they may be soon. Milt Stegall, arguably one of the best receivers in CFL history, may have played his last game and that is too bad.

The Argo's Michael Bishop replaced the aging Damon Allen and had an immediate impact, with two TD's and was visibly fired up. Still, I felt the Bombers were capable and they sure looked like they were inevitably marching to a win with under a minute to go when the final nail in the coffin got pounded in emphatically. That is when Kevin Glenn threw a terrible pass to Charles Roberts that was picked off, effectively ending the game. Roberts untimely fumble a few plays before had set up the winning TD so this was a double dose of bad news for beleagured Bomber fans.

For snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, I award the 19th BOTW to Kevin Glenn and Charles Roberts, the principle culprits in a very disappointing loss. Good luck selling the remaining tickets to the Grey Cup Lyle Bauer.

Until next time remember, no Payne, no gain!


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