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Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Payneful Top 10 - Popular Wedding/Social Songs

I DJ various events on weekends. Everything from Socials to weddings to kids parties, you name it. Charity events, school dances, in fact the only thing I haven't done yet is a funeral though I am available if you need me. New songs come out all the time and I try to stay on top of it but there are certain songs that are always in demand. I am only going to discuss songs that are generally 5 years old or older, true classics that are universally requested. As a bonus I will also let you in on a little secret. The greatest song ever recorded. Without further adieu, let's get this party started!

Old Time Rock & Roll - Bob Seger - I hate Bob Seger and this song drives me crazy, but the mid 30's to early 60's crowd LOVES it and so I play it, grudgingly.

Friends In Low Places - Garth Brooks - I HATE country music almost as much as I hate mushrooms, however, You gotta like this classic just for what it does to the crowd.

I'm Too Sexy - Right Said Fred - There is always some clown that thinks he still has the moves and inevitably I, or someone close to him dedicates this song to the dude. It still goes over well and gets people laughing.

Brown-Eyed Girl - Van Morrison - I feel bad for people with blue or green eyes because this must be the best 'eye' song out there. Just about every event I DJ someone dedicates this song to someone else. The strangest one was when a green-eyed girl dedicated it to her blue-eyed boyfriend...I dunno...strange things happen sometimes. I have also had numerous discussions about what this song is really referring too...long story.

Love Shack - The B-52's - Great party song, and it's longer than you think. People like to sing along to this one and it's always a great moment when the girl sings "Tin roof....rusted" and then the music kicks back in. Everyone still freaks when that happens.

Home For a Rest - Spirit of the West - I've always loved songs that start slow and deceive you into thinking you should waltz and then suddenly kick into high gear. I love maritimers and Newfies and this one always plays well to that crowd or anyone else for that matter. Usually people start linking arms and swinging each other around and it's all fun. The key though is playing it late enough that people are more loaded. That way they dance even crazier.

Shout! - Otis Day - Again a great sing along song with the whole call and answer part in the middle. 'Animal House' movie lovers dig this movie but I am surprised at how many people like it now. Probably because it was also featured in the movie 'The Wedding Crashers'. I like to turn the volume off if there is a big crowd during the part where the crowd sings, people love hearing themselves.

Rasputin - Bony M - I hate Bony M, especially their Christmas album, but what's not to like about this song? It is a classic and nobody sings about Russians anymore so it works well. Usually if you play it late enough some fat guy will try to do the Russian dance, y'know the one where you squat with arms folded and try to kick your feet out. No one ever does it right and they inevitably fall over and laughter ensues! Good times.

Billy Jean - Michael Jackson - I wouldn't want to hire him as a babysitter, but Michael Jackson circa the 80's was cool. This song has a funky bass line that encourages people to grab their crotch and/or moonwalk. The irony is if you listen to the lyrics it's about a guy being accused of fathering a child that isn't actually his... Weird since I don't think MJ is really 'into' girls. Oh well I just wish I could wear 1 glove and spin like him on the dance floor.

YMCA - The Village People - I always wanted to be like the construction worker dude, that is until I found out, well...you know...I am only kidding. Say what you want about this vaunted disco juggernaut, they knew how to make people move. They had a few hit songs but nothing can touch a song about where to go if you are a homeless guy! I really enjoy doing the actions along with the crowd. My pet peeve is when people make the 'C' the wrong way, (you should be leaning to your left or your 'C' will be backwards!).

This list was probably the hardest one I have made since there are so many good songs out there. Special thanks to JR from Nite Time Sounds for collaborating with me. I couldn't just leave it like this without at least mentioning a few other titles that barely missed the cut.

Honourable Mention - Staying Alive, Footloose, Macarena, Mony Mony, The Bird Dance, Stuck in the Middle with You, Some Kind of Wonderful, Boot Scootin' Boogie/Chatahoochie, Disco Inferno, Cotton Eye Joe, Let's Get it Started, Thank God I'm A Country Boy, Baby got Back (I like big buts), I Touch Myself, I Will Survive, You Shook Me (All Night Long), Time Warp, You Give Love A Bad Name, Spirit in the Sky, You Spin Me and Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy are all regular requests at the shows I do. I have however saved the very best for last...

My all-time favourite song to play at any event however is what I call the greatest song ever recorded. An artist who went unappreciated in his time, his powerful message echoes through today and is as relevant as ever. Now the moment you've all been waiting for...Ladies and Gentleman put your hands together for...


Ice Ice Baby - That's right, greatest ever! I love this song and so does everyone else (even if they don't admit it). Plus it gives me a chance to throw down my 'running man' 80's dance move! If you've seen it you know I rule.

So there you have it, and if you ever need a DJ gimme a call!

Until next time remember, no Payne, no running man!


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