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Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me! - Can I Stop Celebrating Them Now?

Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday ole Payner,
Happy Birthday to me...

36 years
13,149 days (yes I counted leap years)
315,576 hours
18,934,560 minutes, or,
1,136,073,600 seconds

No matter how you look at it, it's a long time. The rational part of me knows that 36 is still young but I am not always rational. All I know is for me birthdays stopped being fun a few years back and I could honestly do without. Don't get me wrong, birthdays are great for some people and I remember a few like;

1) Ok I don't remember turning 1 but I bet if you ask my parents it was a big deal.

5) I was now old enough to start school and was often referred to as a 'Big Boy' now. This filled me with glee for some reason.

10) Double digits, unless I reach 100 it's the only time I will enjoy going up an extra digit. I really want to be a teenager but 10 will have to do.

13) Woo hoo! Teenager finally, and while it thrilled me, my poor parents were just bracing for what would be a rough period. This is the era I will spend most of my life thanking them for when it comes to Mother's Days and Father's Days. Thanks again guys!

16) Old enough to drive! Yeah me! Yikes for my folks. I still miss that '81 Red Toyota Pickup. Not so the '78 Granada though...

19) Growing up in BC meant at 19 I was finally an adult! (in years only). It's also the year I began my chosen profession. There may have been alcohol involved.

20) I dunno, just coz I was in my 20's.

25) (shrugs) It just felt cool to be 25.

30) Good party but I didn't like being 30.

Since then I haven't been too excited about birthdays, though I do have a couple more to get excited about;

39) When I can retire from my current job, though I might stay with the company longer.

55) When I can retire and get the max benefit.

65) When I can retire from whatever I do next.


100) Because at 100 you should be able to do whatever you want! Plus it will be like turning 10 all over again (for the tenth time).

Anyway here are some famous people that share my birthday;

Evangelist Billy Graham, Canadian Singer Joni Mitchell, Former Yankee knuckler Joe Niekro, Comedienne Judy Tenuta, and The late actress Dana Plato.

Also screen legend Steve McQueen died on this day in 1980.

Also on this day;
1962 - NHL Goalie Glenn Hall plays record setting 503rd consecutive game.
1969 - John Lennon and Yoko Ono release 2nd album.
1970 - Extremely handsome and talented blogger/DJ born.
1982 - Liz Taylor's 7th divorce.
1988 - Sugar Ray Leonard KO's Winnipeg's Donny Lalonde.
2000 - US election completed but it's too close to call between Bush and Gore.

I have decided that from now on I am not having anymore birthdays. I may occasionally celebrate an anniversary of my 19th birthday but that's it. As far as presents goes the only thing I want is for the Canucks to win the Stanley Cup...of course that one might go hand in hand with my 100th birthday...

Until next year remember, no Payne, no gain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday - remember, at least you're younger than me (SEP)!!
You also need to remember the real reason we continue to celebrate...CAKE!
Enjoy your day.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


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