I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Payneful Top 10 - Cool Websites

As a connoisseur of the internet I thought I would pass on a few gems that I've found to be quite entertaining. No guys not those kinds of websites, that's a whole other top ten! I am talking about my absolute favourites. Feel free to try them out when you're bored. Now let's throw on the old swimsuit and get ready to surf!

www.cinecon.com I am all about movies. I LOVE movies in a really unnatural way. I check 'Cinema Confidential' every day to find out things like why Indiana Jones 4 is being delayed, or what the next Tarantino flick will be and if it stars Uma Thurman. Great site.

www.apple.com/trailers - Did I mention that I love movies? I am one of the few people that can't get enough of movie trailers. This site is all movie trailers all the time. If you want to see what movies are coming out this is one of the first places you will see the trailer. My current favourite is the trailer for the Simpsons movie coming out next July.

www.youtube.com - Wanna see people do stupid things? Amazing things? Dangerous things? Well this is like the online version of America's Funniest Home Video's except better. Anyone can put clips on youtube, even you. There is a LOT of crap on here but some really excellent stuff too. Check it out.

www.addictinggames.com - Do you like videogames? how about really stupid, simple ones? You haven't lived until you've tried 'Kitten Cannon' or 'Kill your boss'. I also like 'poke the bunny' hilarious! This site rules.

www.snopes.com - Will Bill Gates make you pay for Hotmail? Will you blow up if you use a cell phone at a gas station? These and a myriad of other urban legends can be researched (and usually debunked) on this handy, frequently updated web site.

www.urbandictionary.com - Want to know what a 'Ringtone DJ' is? or perhaps an 'Emo Kid'? Finally, it might be useful to learn about the 'California Barking Spider' But how? Why Urban Dictionary of course! As the website says, "Define your World." Careful though as there are a LOT of disgusting words and definitions listed so keep the kids away.

www.imdb.com - Ok I promise, this will be the last movie-based website. Did you ever wonder who did what voice in a particular animated feature? Ever wonder what other movie you have seen an actor in? Want to know what Tom Hanks' first movie role was? ('He Knows You're Alone' 1980). Well if these thoughts consume you, check out the internet movie database. It features everything you want to know about every movie ever made, and believe me there are some rare gems listed.

www.wikipedia.org - Pretty simple, this site is an online encyclopedia that while it has some credibility issues due to it's open editing by the public is a good source of info on everything from Azerbaijan to Zealotry. Countries, People, World Events are all explained in a relatively easy manner by this HUGE repository of info. Go there and learn!

www.google.ca - Google is the King baby. If you need to find something, anything, google is the way to go. I use it predominantly to find other websites when I am not sure of the address but it can be used for lots. For added fun check out google earth also.

www.ebay.com - Oddly enough I have never actually bought anything from ebay but I love seeing waht is for sale. Ebay sells the world basically and has featured everything from TV's to people's virginity, yes that's what I said. Someone even tried to sell the bitten off piece of Evander Holyfield's ear! Gross but fun.

The internet is a treasure trove of information and there are so many great sites out there it was hard to narrow it down but these are some of my most used and useful. If you have any others of note feel free to email me at canux.fan@yahoo.ca and I will list them in the future.

Until next time remember, no Payne, no gain!


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