I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Blogger Buffet - Booing Cherry, Coming Out, and the K-Fed Kiss-off.

A little bit of sports, a little bit of politics and a lot about celebrities in today's buffet. Dig in.

K-Fed aka Fed Ex - So the greatest mooch since Kato Kaelin gets dumped by Britney Spears and the exact moment he is informed of his departure is allegedly being shown on YouTube. His rap career is pathetic and getting headlines for small crowds and cancelled shows and the tabloids can't stop making fun of him...I guess I might feel sorry for him if he wasn't going to cash in large! Let's face it, as the father of Britney's kids I am sure he'll do ok. In fact he could burn what I make and still live comfortably.

MP's Boo Cherry - Don Cherry is one of the greatest Canadians in the land and though controversial he is fiercely patriotic and supportive of our youth, our hockey and our military. For the Bloc Quebecois to boo him is not only in poor taste, it is childish. I understand Grapes said some less than flattering things about French hockey players but I feel like the booing was more political than it was heart-felt. I am so sick of political spin and counter-spin, and if my children behaved like most MP's they would be grounded.

Celebrity Coming Out Parties - So former 'Doogie Howser' star Neil Patrick Harris came out of the closet recently...You can't tell but I am displaying my 'shocked face' right now in mock surprise that someone so obviously macho and masculine could be gay? This qualifies as news? First of all I don't care about anybody else's sexuality, it's their business and they can choose whatever they want. Second, my shock-o-meter was at about the same level when I heard that George Michael or Elton John were gay, wasn't it obvious? Former N Sync boy Lance Bass also came out to much fanfare and again who cares! His boyfriend (Amazing race winner) Reichen Lemkuhl, a former Air Force officer has complained recently about threats he has received over his book that explains how he feels the military mistreats gay people. Having watched Reichen on the Amazing Race I think he gets the death threats because he is a total jerk! It has nothing to do with his sexuality.

White Poppies - There is an uproar across the land as some IDIOT in Edmonton is selling white 'peace' poppies. Veterans understandably are furious and who can blame them? We have sacrificed over 110,000 soldiers, sailors and airmen in defence of Canada and the current poppy is meant to show that we remember them, (lest we forget). The white poppy is a slap in the face to all our serving, retired and deceased military members, and I think that 99% of those that buy the white poppy, (IDIOTS) don't understand what the red poppy is about. I went on yahoo answers and found a large number of people (mostly our uninformed youth since we don't properly explain Remembrance to them in school) that thing the red poppy is for remembering war and it isn't. It is to remember those that gave their lives so that ungrateful left-wing tree-huggers can perpetually piss on the memory of the very brave souls that granted them the freedom they abuse daily.

'Freaky' Faith Hill - As you all know I hate country music more than Lindsay Lohan hates sobriety but I have to admit that Faith Hill is seriously babe-a-licious. The video for 'Breathe' is very sexy (especially when you hit mute and can avoid the country music) and just about every picture of her is hot. I always assumed that she was a very nice person and that seems to be the opinion of most people that talk about her. That all changed at the most recent Country Music Awards (CMA). When Carrie Underwood was announced as the vocalist of the year Faith Hill could be seen visibly upset and exclaiming 'Right!' before storming off camera. Once again our friends at YouTube have every angle and replay it in all it's catty glory. Other angles show even more vitriolic behaviour and though Faith Hill claims she was kidding, most agree she was not. What's with these tantrums lately? Kanye West at the European MTV awards was so upset by a perceived snub that he actually came on stage and lectured the crowd. Grow up! They should at least have the decency to wait until the camera's are off before pouting.

Before I go I just wanted to say 'Happy Trails' to Former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. I hope you can find happiness in your retirement...and maybe a few WMD's too.

Just a reminder that Remembrance Day is the day after tomorrow and I hope you all take the time to attend a ceremony and pay your respects. Whether you are pro-military or anti-wisdom let's keep the protesting and politics out of it for one day and remember what the day is supposed to be about. I will have a Remembrance Day special tomorrow that I hope you will find interesting and informative. Until then...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've gotta wave the rainbow flag for a moment...."Doogie" actually came out a while ago. I saw the little article in the paper as well, but know that it was because he does NOT expect a big hoopla about is sexual preference that he is in the news...people were accusing him of denying it. He was just stating that, "Yup, I'm gay". No biggie. So he actually deserves some respect for downplaying his sexuality more than even most straight celebrities.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


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