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Thursday, November 23, 2006

My Canada Includes Whiners

Before I get started I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I love Québec, and I love French Canadians. I have MANY close friends that are Québécois and some of my favourite sports heroes are Québécois including Mixed Martial Arts Superstar and current UFC Welterweight Champion Georges ‘Rush’ St. Pierre. My children are enrolled in French Immersion and my daughter speaks French easily. I am hoping to do a French course in the early summer and hope to be bilingual as soon as possible. I love poutine and Montreal smoked meat sandwiches and I want Québec to remain a big part of my Canada.

Now that I (hopefully) have pledged my love and support to la belle province I do wish to point out 1 ‘distinct’ aspect of Québécois society that enrages me.


The National party, The Bloc Québécois and it’s provincial counterpart, the Parti Québécois wish to tear Canada apart by separating from Canada which they think would be better for them…I beg to differ. I think a sovereign Québec would suffer greatly without support from the rest of Canada and frankly, Many Québécois share my view. The problem is that for people that grow up and never leave there, they are easily brainwashed into thinking that the rest of Canada is out to get them, or that they are, in some way being held back by remaining in Canada. Most of my French-Canadian friends STRONGLY disagree, including some that actually held separatist views before travelling to other provinces.

Part of the problem is that the western media likes to focus on the separatists and anti-Canadian sentiments, which just generates controversy and anger in the rest of Canada. This creates a vicious cycle when people are interviewed or reports are made back in Québec that seem to show that English Canada ‘hates’ or is out to get Québec. The reality is that most French-Canadians that spend any time outside of Québec generally are met with positive experiences while English-Canadians visiting Québec are also treated well. Certainly there are exceptions but for the most part it’s true.

Obviously Québec does have challenges, and is unique. We must preserve their culture and protect the language for future generations but how far do we need to go do accomplish that?

Yesterday the Prime Minister, brought forth a motion to recognize Québec as a nation within the bounds of a unified Canada, or words to that effect. He did it as a preemptive strike because the Bloc wanted to stir things up and the Liberals were thinking of bringing forward a similar motion so basically the Prime Minister had no choice. To me this is a ridiculous motion either way as it doesn't reeally offer anything other than recognition. It's like the squeaky wheel getting the grease.

The problem is that by 'recognizing' Québec, you make the other provinces and territories feel like 2nd class citizens. 'Man on the street' interviews show a great deal of anger at the fact that Québec has somehow become more equal. As a Western Canadian I know it upsets me.

We have a beautiful country worth fighting for, but we shouldn't have to fight eachother. Recognizing a province over another is ludicrous but until such time as the separatist movement dies (which will never happen) we are stuck in the constant battle over the squeaky wheel. For me the bottom line is that we have 12 provinces, 3 territories, 2 languages but only 1 nation.



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