I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Thursday, November 16, 2006

TGIF - Thank God It's Free!

It's been a long week but it's finally Friday and I am excited about the weekend. I have lots of plans that I'm sure will fall through but that's the beauty of a weekend. The promise or potential of what you could do. The disappointment of what you actually do? That's for Monday to worry about.

Free Stuff - I managed to score two free tickets to the Grey Cup on Sunday which is awesome since I have never been to a Grey Cup before. It will be cold and my seats are so high I will need a couple of Sherpa's and some Oxygen to get from the base camp (half way up) to my seats (at the back of the temporary South End Zone with the North wind blowing in my face). I couldn't pass it up since my BC Lions will be winning it against those losers from Montreal. Besides, did I mention Nelly Furtado will be there? I love football but I wasn't paying for full price tickets, no way. I love free stuff! Seriously, if someone said "Hey Payner, want tickets to see the Chippendales dancers? It's free." I'd be like "Yah! Who cares that it's a bunch of naked guys, it's free!" I'd watch, Opera, the Maple Leafs or even Barbra Streisand if it was for free! Ok, I'm kidding, obviously I wouldn't see anything. I'd have to pass on Leafs tickets.

"If you're a twit, your book's a hit" - So OJ Simpson, more than a decade after 'searching for his wife's killers' at various golf courses around the southern US, has decided to write a book. He has called it "If I did do it" and goes on to say how he might have done it. I couldn't believe it. Not only has he killed his children's Mother, but now he has the Gaul to write about it after getting away with it? Understandably the families of Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ronald Goldman are incensed by this outrageous publication/money grab but that's not the worst part. The worst part is that he's going to make a ton of money off of this book. Oh well The poor guy isn't as rich as he used to be after all that persecution he suffered. Besides maybe with the money he makes he can afford to hire some private investigators to finally catch those killers.

Waterfront property in BC - I have heard every rain joke about BC you can think of and as a kid who grew up there I can tell you it isn't as bad as people make it out to be. I'll take rain over -30 and a block heater any day. That being said the weather is brutal there now. My parents finally have the waterfront home they've always wanted...because everyone that lives down the hill is now underwater! Ok it isn't that bad yet but my Dad's neighbour was seen collecting pairs of animals over the last few days...I am a little miffed at the press coverage that refers to the rain as hitting the 'Vancouver area' quite hard...My parents are on Vancouver Island which is two hours away by ferry and is certainly not in the Vancouver area. That's like it raining in Brandon and calling it the Winnipeg area, or London and calling it Toronto. I find it pretty insulting but then I am a big baby. I guess the good part is that for once in my life I can bug my Dad about his weather instead of the other way around.

The Grey Cup - I love how every year in the host city there is a week long purely Canadian Party before the Grey Cup, it makes you proud to be Canadian. I hope I can find a way to get BC's Jason Clermont's autograph, or a picture with him. I am not gay or anything but he is my favourite player and it's like I have a man-crush on the guy. Geez I need to stop watching TLC design shows.

Well time to get ready for Grey Cup, I need to make sure I have rations, and enough rope for the final ascent on Sunday. When I get to the top I will plant a flag for all of you.

Finally before I go congrats to Tom and Katie on their impending wedding...Katie, get out while you still can!

Go BC!


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