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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Blogger Buffet - It's Been a While and I'm Famished!

Sorry loyal readers for my delay in posting but I have been extremely busy and unable to post. Halloween is upon us and pumpkin carving is at it's peak! So tear into those treats you were planning on giving out and enjoy my Halloween Spooktacular.

Max Murphy, East Coast Classic - While away at a conference I met a fellow from Newfoundland that was a singer/songwriter of east coast music and was treated to a performance of some of his songs. Very personal songs about his Newfoundland home and all his experiences are heartfelt and make you want to tap your feet. It helps that Max is one of the nicest, funniest guys you could meet. Anyways I have included a link to his website (hopefully it works) at the bottom of this post and I hope if you like east coast music that you'll give his new CD 'Upalong' a try. Songs like "I've pulled up an anchor" and "I turned left at Eganville" will bring a smile to your face and so will the other tunes. Great work Max! http://www.livingupalong.blogspot.com

Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!! - You have no idea how much I love Halloween. It is my favourite holiday and I can't wait to put on my costume and start scaring children. When I was young I remember the excitement and the fear of going out on a moonlit night to collect those treats and eventually have the bejeebers scared out of me by various neighbours with their elaborate haunted house type schemes. Where I grew up in BC fireworks were a big part of Halloween too with the constant sound of screechers, bottle rockets and lady fingers exploding all over town. I vividly recall the good treats and my utter dismay when I got a box of raisins or some kind of home-made treat....ewww. Where is my chocolate bar?! Now that I am a grown up I still enjoy the costumes but now the only candy I get is what I buy myself or hijack from the kids, (I use Halloween candy to teach my children about paying taxes!). I am dressing as the Grim Reaper tonight and then I will play the scary Halloween CD and try to scare away the teenagers.

James Blunt, Why Are You So Blue? - I really think Brit crooner James Blunt is gifted and I love singing along to "You're Beautiful" and so do millions of others. His songs are popular all over the world and he has been given the big boost from fellow brit Elton John so life must be good right? Apparently not if you listen to his music. The guy is so down in every song he might as well sing country music. Weird Al spoofed his song with his own version called "You're Pitiful" but Blunt the fun-killer said no to releasing it on his most recent album. I'd like to see a "brood-off" style grudge match between James Blunt and latino pouter Enrique Iglesias. Could you imagine the sadness?

Winter Driving, Might As Well Use Bumper Cars - So Winnipeg got hit with the first real snowfall yesterday and of course the roads now are treacherous. Within 24 hours we have had cars stuck here and there and fender benders galore. Why are people so stupid? In case you didn't know, snow is kinda like ice, and tends to be slippery. Maybe you should slow down, whaddya think? I also love when someone is stuck and they decide that spinning their wheels faster will get you unstuck. Brilliant. The city is excellent at snow clearing though so I am sure within a month the snow will be packed ice and the ruts will become so deep it will be like driving slot cars and you won't even need to touch the steering wheel.

Celebrity Gossip - Why are we, as a society, so fascinated with it? I just don't get it. Paul McCartney did this to his ex, Lindsay Lohan is back to her birth weight, I'm pregnant with David Crosby's conjoined twins. Most of it is fabricated and the stuff that isn't is just pathetic. Some superstar has an eating disorder so let's show embarrassing photos of her and find out what she is (or isn't) eating. I wish people would grow up. Now if only I could get Angelina to adopt me....

I am now surrounded by far too many candy wrappers and feel the need to go eat some veggies to counteract my candy binge. Don't forget to finish carving your pumpkins and have a great Halloween!

Finally, don't forget to check out my friend Max's CD and blogsite, there is even samples of his music available to listen too.

Until next time remember, no Payne, no Gain!


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