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Monday, May 22, 2006

Blogger Buffet - Thoughts On A Long Weekend

Hello and welcome to my 50th post! The long weekend is almost over and I thought it would be a good time for a few random musings. Baseball, Hockey, Sunburns, American Idol and more, please grab a plate and head down the table, just don't bite off more than you can chew.

  • THE WINNIPEG GOLDEYES - For those of you that didn't know, Winnipeg has a team in the A level independant Northern League. The tickets are cheap, the field is excellent and the weather was fantastic. We watched the Goldeyes close out a 3 game series with their 3rd consecutive victory over the Joliet Jackhammers. This is the best family entertainment I have seen as far as value for what you pay. Good baseball and nifty giveaways make for a great afternoon. The only downside was that I didn't wear sunscreen...I am so pale I am almost see through and I NEED sunscreen. Luckily only my face and hands were exposed so only my neck and the right side of my face is currently a charred wasteland. It only hurts when I am conscious.
  • BLUE BOMBERS KICKER MISSING - Very strange, the 'Leprechaun' disappeared after arriving in Calgary from Vancouver and missed a planned visit with a friend and never made the connecting flight to Winnipeg. Family are concerned and the situation is bizarre enough that some are suspecting foul play. Let's hope he is alright and able to miss field goals for the Bombers this year.
  • THE NHL PLAYOFFS - I can't believe that this Edmonton club is the same one that struggled just to make the playoffs. Peca, Pronger and Roloson are all playing the best of their careers after some poor play earlier. Some were even calling Pronger & Peca washed up. I guess I was wrong and the Oil with just two victories to go until the finals appear to be Canada's team of destiny. I like their chances against Carolina or Buffalo but we mustn't forget that Anaheim is very good on the road and isn't quite ready to roll over. Both games have been hard fought and very easily could have gone against the Oilers. I still think this series will go at least 6, especially with Edmonton fighting a flu bug.
  • AMERICAN IDOL FINAL TWO - The Silver Fox vs the Foxy Sliver. Tough to call as these two are so entirely different but I still give the edge to Taylor, he is more polished and unique. Katherine is hot and sultry but these days that is a dime a dozen and in a market cluttered with the likes of Carey, Aguilera, Clarkson and other songstresses she simply seems to blend in. Mark my words, Taylor wins.
  • CANADIAN MAN CIRCUMNAVIGATES THE GLOBE WITH HUMAN POWER - Colin Angus finishes a trip around the world by walking, cycling and rowing. He started out with a friend but after a falling out he carried on from Russia with his fiancee. He is ready to release a documentary as well as a book and all I can think about his monumental journey is...who cares? Sounds like a slacker without a job to me. It's not that I don't admire his fortitude and sacrifice, I just don't see the relevance of wasting months to prove that you can get around the world slower than virtually every other mode of transport available. What next? I wonder if I could get sponsored to circumnavigate the globe while sitting in a La-Z-Boy recliner?

Well hopefully that can keep you full until the next blog. Look for a new feature to debut sometime in the next couple of weeks that I hope you will all find entertaining. In the next few days we will have more hockey, some stuff in advance of the big UFC60 event featuring Hughes vs Gracie and musings about Taylor winning Idol. Until next time remember...please use sunscreen! If you'll excuse me I have to coat myself in aloe vera.


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