I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Blogger Buffet - Just an Appetizer

Excuse me if this post seems unorganized and random, but then I am unorganized and random.

-STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS - Nice run while it lasted but I am afraid the clock will strike midnight for the Cinderella Oilers this evening. The series was actually over the minute Roloson was hurt.

-NATIVE PROTESTS - Now it seems things have gone so well in Caledonia that Manitoba First Nations personnel are planning on blocking Manitoba railways to ensure their 'cause' is heard...Gimme a break!

-CFL FOOTBALL - The new season is about to start without the Ottawa franchise. A lot more parity this year and the CFL debut of Ricky Williams for the Argos. The Roughriders will be much improved and the Bombers will still suck but we can find out the truth on Friday when the season opens. Go Lions!

-WORLD CUP - Apparently the US Team isn't the only thing that sucks in Germany this year as it is reported that over 40,000 prostitutes are said to have arrived in the country to, ummm....bolster international relations.

-COMPUTER PROBLEMS - Is there anything more frustrating than having computer problems? Who writes error messages anyway? All I know is that I never feel more stupid than when my computer stops working and gives me error messages that are more difficult to understand than Snoop Dogg.

***Interesting note - I have receieved a couple of comments on my blog from as far away as the Southern US and England. I don't know how those people found my blog but I think it's cool! Tell your friends and keep reading. I would love a comment from someone in Nepal or Uzbekistan. That'd be sweet. As always remember, no Payne no gain!


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