I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Caledonia Native Protest - Lunacy on a Grand Scale

The protest has reached it's peak of ridiculousness with the latest over the top incident and I am left wondering why we tolerate this.

Members of the US Border Patrol observing the OPP handle the Six Nations protestors were dragged out of their vehicles and roughed up by these total idiots. Their vehicle was even stolen and used to attempt a rundown of a law enforcement official. Now some of the Six Nations people are saying that they will deal with the offenders themselves....WHAT?! That is unbelievable! The Ontario Government and the OPP have said that that will not suffice and that the Criminal Code of Canada is the law that shall apply in this case. These Criminals need to go to jail immediately.

I can't explain the rage I feel towards the protestors at this point. They want to be taken seriously and to have their case heard but all I can think of is how badly they have effected Caledonia. I don't give a s*** about their 'cause' now because I think it's time to send in the Military and clear them out. I realize this is a narrow, intolerant view, but I am sickened by their continued lack of class and childish actions.

So far they have in no particular order;

-Disrupted rail service to the region

-Delayed emergency vehicles

-Caused several scuffles and near riots

-Knocked out power to the area

-Desecrated the Canadian Flag

-Scared local residents

-Created a tremendous amount of traffic and anxiety in Caledonia

-Set fires

-Clashed with police

-Repeatedly broken the law

-Committed several criminal acts

-Created racial tensions and damged relations between our proud first nations and the rest of Canada.

-Stolen confidential info on undercover operations by the OPP including names and phone numbers of OPP Officers.

-Not to mention the fact that none of this has actually forwarded the cause they were trying to resolve.

Don't get me wrong I understand they believe they were slighted, and as I mentioned before, if that's the case they deserve to have their day in court. I even support them setting up a blockade at the construction site to bring the situation to light. The first week I actually supported them but now all I feel is disgusted. I also know that there are MANY people out there that are much less tolerant and I can't repeat what they think. Doesn't the Six Nations leadership realize how much damage they are doing to themselves? Part of the problem is they can't decide who their leadership is, and it's become nothing more than an angry, disorganized mob.

As for the government, I feel they have been far too comprimising and as I said earlier, how far will they let these people go before they take action? Do we really want another Oka crisis? Because that is where we are headed if action isn't taken soon.

I no longer have any sympathy for the Six Nations hooligans and the sooner they are rounded up and arrested or dispersed the better. This has gone on too long.

Until next time remember, no Payne no gain.


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