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Friday, June 9, 2006

The Ultimate Fighter Season 3

Last night's episode of TUF3 was one of the best in a long time with lots of twists and turns. All the semi-final matches are set and we now know who the first finalist is for the middleweights.

The episode started with the news that Matt Hamill was not going to be able to continue even though he won his fight, as he hyper-extended his arm. The hearing-impaired phenom gained a lot of respect in the last couple of shows and it's a shame he can't continue. UFC President Dana White had to bring back a fighter, but who would he bring back to replace Matt? Dana, along with the coaches (Shamrock and Ortiz), Interviewed possible replacements and surprisingly Tait and the Cajun poet Kristian both declined to come back, virtually guaranteeing that they are finished in the UFC.

Tattooed Mike, Matt Hamill's victim, couldn't continue since his nose was busted so what could Dana do? Luckily, deposed Brit Ross Pointon volunteered to come up in weight and fight as a light heavyweight. I think the guy sucks but at least he is willing which is why Dana loves the guy.

So then it was matchup time. for the light heavyweights the semifinals would be;

-Clash of the bad hair with the freshly shorned Mohawk of former loser Jesse vs the blue-haired crybaby Josh. I wish they could both lose but I think it goes to Jesse.

-The other match is the 'Battle of Britain' featuring Michael Bisping vs the newly returned Ross "I'll smash his face in yeh" Pointon. Ross has no skills on the ground and doesn't listen to coaching so I think Bisping will finish him early and with extreme prejudice.

As for the middleweights,
-Rory the geek vs big mouth Ed Herman, They have a hate on for each other but Rory is weak and Ed will destroy him.

-then it's the lone Canadian Kalib Starnes fighting against the Hawaiian Kendall Grove. This fight actually took place last night and started well. Kalib came out hard and took it to Kendall with a slam and lots of good shots, including a cut on the nose by the end of round 1. Unfortunately Kendall landed a solid knee that injured Kalib's ribs in the second round and he lost momentum and eventually quit in the 3rd. Oh well at least he made it farther than perennial pansy Jason Thacker on season 1 and I am sure we haven't seen the last of Kalib Starnes.

Watching Shamrock shark Ortiz at pool for 10,000 bucks was a lot of fun and I was surprised to see Ortiz shake hands after losing to his sworn enemy. I wondered though, why give 10 large to a rich guy? Why not split it between the guys on Shamrock's team instead?

So all the lunatics are back in the asylum next week, with all the former contestants allowed back to 'assist with training.' Bad move, and none of the remaining contestants like it. I don't understand why you would want a house full of bored fighters partying and disturbing the remaining fighters but then I don't run the UFC. It looks like Ed Herman and Kendall Grove are going to continue being absolute losers if the preview for next week is any indication. I don't like any of the middleweights, they act worse than I did when I was fresh out of high school. It looks like the guys use Rory's stuff as their own toilet which I could probably do without. I dunno maybe somebody will enjoy that, but I just wanna see the fights.

I say that the winners of TUF3 this year will be;

-light heavyweight - Michael Bisping, and

-middlewight - Ed Herman

I think Matt Hamill may have been the best fighter on the show and I look for Dana White to give him a chance in a future UFC PPV or Ultimate Fight Night. The kid is too talented to ride off into the sunset.

That's it for this week, stay tuned over the weekend for the 3rd installment of Bonehead of the Week, and if you can't find anything to do this weekend, don't forget about the World Cup. Go Ecuador!

Until next week remember, no Payne no Gain!


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