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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Brand New Feature - Bonehead of the Week

As promised welcome to the debut of my weekly feature BONEHEAD OF THE WEEK. Since I don't usually have time to blog on the weekends I was trying to come up with something short and sweet but entertaining that I could squeeze in. So each weekend I will identify someone that I think is a total bonehead and explain why. The BOTW could be a sports figure or a person in the news or even someone I encounter on the street so beware! It might be you. Now it's time to unveil the inaugural BOTW.

Punter/Placekicker Duncan O'Mahony started his career with the Calgary Stampeders and after 3 years made the move to the BC Lions where his punting skills were displayed with regularity. Playing in front of his hometown seemed to be a dream come true for 'the Leprechaun' but unfortunately he soon became somewhat of an enigma. While he still punted well his placekicking got sketchy and so did his relationship with the media. The pressure increased with every missed field goal and near the end of the 05 season he lost the kicking job to retired former Calgary kicker Mark McLaughlin and after the season was not invited back.

It seemed like the sad sack Bombers were trying to replace departed punter Jon Ryan and push incumbent kicker and longtime Bomber fixture Troy Westwood by signing O'Mahony. The change could have been good for him but it was not to be. It seems the Leprechaun was reluctant to move to the mosquito capital of Canada. (I can't say I blame him, I wasn't too happy about it when I first got here either, bu after more than 10 years it kind of grow on you. Like a tumour) So when the day came for him to fly here he disappeared. He was located a few days later, though some think he never went missing at all and merely decided not to go. The full story has yet to come out but Lions coach Wally Buono mentioned 'previous problems' and a 'relapse' which leads me to speculate that it is some sort of substance abuse problem. Only time will tell if the full story ever comes out.

Now I often take a moral stand on one side or another of any given issue, but this isn't that kind of blog entry. All I know is that getting paid to kick a football is better than a real job, and even though football kickers are in the same class as hockey goalies and pitchers for being wierd, why would you ruin it by pulling a no-show?

For being an inconsistent, abbrasive lunatic I hereby award (former?) kicker Duncan O'Mahony the inaugural BONEHEAD OF THE WEEK award.

See you next week.


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