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Monday, June 19, 2006

NHL PLAYOFFS - Live blog game 7 - 1st Period

Game 7 blog

Opening sequence rocks, very emotional, the song ‘Savin me’ by Nickelback is the soundtrack to the opening and all the clips get the juices flowing. I can’t believe we waited two years for another cup win….Man I love hockey!

Hrudey and MacLean break down the game and all I can think is that Hrudey is a way better commentator than he ever was as a goalie. The usual player interviews and the usual cliché’s but I don’t care, start the GAME!

“Still the one” montage features more Oilers hi-lites and some crazy fan stuff. Not bad, makes you tap your foot.

Grapes does the game opening, great suit! Now the crowd is roaring and the players are stepping onto the ice….I have chills!

Anthems – Oh man! You can hear the Canadians singing the anthem, not bad when you think about how few Canadians are there. Now the Yank’s are doing it louder, but there’s more of them and it was our idea.


Wow 90 seconds and the Canes score after being all over the Oilers for most of it. The crowd is even louder.

Carolina has a slight edge in play but Edmonton still seems poised and patient.

Staal takes out Jussi and we have the first power play of the game.

Edmonton has some decent puck movement but no really good chances. Carolina kills it and the crowd is still right in it.

Halfway through the period and the Oilers seem to waking up a little bit. Cole whines about a high stick and now Spacek takes a questionable penalty…hold on shot blockers!
A couple of chances but basically a great kill by Edmonton.

Some bad play in the Oiler end but the Canes can’t do anything with it. Just watched a commercial for some job finding website, “What do you like to do” they ask a guy and he says he likes to work with this hands. For the record I enjoy napping, do you think there is a job out there for me?

The play seems to be in the Oiler end a lot, how many chances can the Canes get before they score again. The Oilers need a goal or something to get the momentum.

Some real back and forth now, 3 minutes left. Another stupid penalty, the Canes get to finish the period on the power play. Less of a good PK more of a bad Power play.
Just as the penalty ends another one is called for high sticking but then the Canes score, or do they? Now there is a penalty shot, or is there? I haven’t been this confused since I watched “The Crying Game”

Now the Ref is on the phone, but I don’t think he is making reservations. Lots of guys in the booth, Kris King, Colin Campbell, Mike Murphy and others. I wonder if they have nachos...I want nachos.

Ok no goal and another penalty for the Oilers, nothing happens in the last 4 seconds so it's on to Coach's Corner and the first intermission...stay tuned.


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