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Monday, June 19, 2006

Bonehead of the Week #4

This week was a tough week with many contenders; To my friend Sean in Ontario, who was nominated by his wife for needing surgery to repair a foot that he attacked with a mixer blade while preparing girlie drinks. Stick to beer dude.

Another nominee, this one for lifetime achievement, was James McCarron who has a squeaky plastic knuckle to replace the original that he broke on the helmet of a fellow hockey player. His accompishments are too numerous to mention.

Both of these garnered a lot of attention but unfortunately we found someone so boneheaded that we had to award it to the guy. The winner is in fact a big Dick...

For his baseless accusations and Don Quixote like crusade on behalf of the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) The BOTW goes to Dick Pound.

Dick Pound, you may remember, was the main guy for Canada at the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and nearly succeeded Juan Antonio Samaranch as President. He lost and ended up with WADA where he has gone insane. He has said that as many as 2/3 of NHL players were likely on drugs based on absolutely zero evidence. But what finally got him the BOTW award was after all 1400+ steroid tests from the NHL came back clear he decided that the results didn't mean anything and therefore, in his mind, the NHL still had drug problems.

This guy is losing his grip on reality faster than Elizabeth Taylor and needs to take a few tests himself.

Congratulations 'Big' Dick Pound for being BOTW #4!


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