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Monday, June 19, 2006

NHL PLAYOFFS Live Blog - game 7 - 2nd period

Game 7 blog


Two great short-handed chances early for the Oilers, Ward was sharp on both. Oilers kill the penalty and have the edge in play to start the period.

AMAZING SAVE by Markannen! Carolina is looking desperate, in a good way.

Off the faceoff the Canes get the puck to Kaberle and he walks in untouched and BLASTS it in after it deflects off Jason Smith. 2-0 Carolina. I am starting to feel dread.

What’s with Harry Neale’s soliloquy’s? What is this guy Shakespeare in his old age?

Great trailer for the new movie “You, Me and Dupree” with Owen Wilson and Matt Dillon. Should be good.

Again Neale with some saying about a farmer milking cows….Has he finally lost his mind?

Carolina almost scores again, man are they hitting lots!

Not a lot of stoppages, this game is going fast.

Does anyone else hate Glen Wesley? How ugly is Brind’Amour?

Best chance yet for the Oilers but Smyth makes a bad pass, and just as I typed that the Oilers got another chance.

I was in the can for 2 minutes, when I went to the can the play was in Edmonton’s end, when I got back it was in Edmonton’s end…this isn’t good. Markannen almost blows it again.

Oh a few chances for Edmonton but Ward says No!

Frantic back and forth action, this is the best hockey yet. Carolina takes a penalty late in the second…obviously the Oilers need to score soon.

Stupid over the glass penalty, but it gives the Oilers a 5 on 3 for almost two minutes….they Have to score just for the momentum shift.

Too many chances and the only shot goes wide, now Smyth takes a penalty and it’s a 4 on 3 now. One good chance now 20 seconds left and Ward covers.

Carolina kills it and now they go on a power play to close out the second. Needless to say the Oilers can’t let a goal in or it is definitely over.

Two back to back chances for the Canes, but they stay out. Time winds down and I hear the fat lady warming up.


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