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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Summer Fun Ideas

Summer is fast approaching, and with the nicer weather comes the age-old question; what am I gonna do for summer vacation? This is a universal question that has faced people of all ages throughout history. Well thanks to me, you will never have to worry since I am going to share with you my ideas for summer fun!

Paintball is the best time you can have with a LOT of clothes on. Nothing beats the exhilaration of blasting away at someone with so much paint that they end up resembling a modern art masterpiece! It’s made so much better by the fact that if you are the one that gets hit, it hurts like you wouldn’t believe, especially in the back of the neck or the back of the knee. That fear/excitement is the key! Oh and by the way, when setting up teams NEVER do shirts and skins.

Camping is a peaceful alternative as long as you aren’t a wuss that can’t sleep anywhere but in a bed inside. The key to camping is lots of groceries, and if you aren’t in a public campground, lots of booze. If you have children though you will want to bring lots of toys for them, and it’s probably not good to drink a beer in front of the kids, so try rum, it’s easier to hide! Sunscreen and bug repellent are also a good idea.

Picnics are always fun since you can have them anywhere and for as long as you need. Sometimes I will have a picnic over my lunch hour, though spreading a blanket out in the company parking lot does get people staring. A great place to picnic is probably the beach; many even have picnic tables and bbq pits. The best part is that when people go for a swim they often leave some really tasty morsels unattended and that is great for the budget conscious like me. Yoink!

If money is no object, a road trip can be fun. I have often driven to BC to visit with family and that can make for some long days. There are a few things you can do to pass the time. In fact most of the activities I have already mentioned you could also include on a road trip, although the authorities frown upon you shooting other motorists with paintball guns so you may want to skip that one. In addition you can pack videogames or DVD’s along and singing along to some music on CD is great too. I sometimes have trouble driving when I play handheld videogames but cruise control really helps. 1 word of caution though, fast food is encouraged on road trips but try to avoid anything from the chilli/burrito food group. (Yes in my world it is a food group)

For those on a tight budget swimming can be a lot of fun. There are many places available; Community pools, beaches, rivers, lakes, and of course swimming pools in the back yards of neighbours that are off on more expensive vacations. Just remember not to swim on a full stomach.

If you are of fair complexion like myself then maybe the great outdoors just aren’t that great for you. In that case let me recommend a good rousing game of poker. With the recent surge in the popularity of the sport you are bound to find a few people willing to play. I should caution you though that strip poker isn’t much fun when the group you play with are all guys in there 30’s.

Finally for those really hot days nothing beats sitting in your house with the air conditioning on and using your children to get you ice cream or other treats from the store. It’s a win-win if you think about it. Kids will do nearly anything if you buy them a chocolate bar for their efforts and if your kids are old enough to have a fake ID they can even get you beer!

So there you have it. Some sure fire ways to help you plan your summer! There are a few other things you can do like have house parties or play videogames for hours on end. Basically the possibilities are endless so use this guide and your own imagination to come up with all sorts of fun alternatives. If all else fails, just introduce alcohol, the universal ingredient for fun! Have a great summer and feel free to tell me your ideas for fun. Until next time remember, no Payne no gain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you not mention goig to the movies. Summertime is the best part of the year for the movie going enthusiast. When the studios release the biggest, most expensive mind numbing entertainment imaginable. PLUS the added bonus of spending 20$ on popcorn and a coke all in airconditioned comfort. How can you go wrong. All those who say that the movies that come out are stupid and trivial obviously were never children when it was cool to pretend you were a superhero and when fart jokes were high class humour. Bring on the summer blockbusters I say.

Friday, May 26, 2006


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