I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Blogger Buffet - Clearing the Inbox before Vacation

The preparations have begun for the family vacation and as always the closer you get to departure the more hectic things get. A priority for me is to make sure that NPNG is looked after so I am tying up loose ends and getting ready to introduce you to a guest blogger for the week I'm gone. You'll love him but more on that later. As Old CJOB/CKNW radio host used to say, "Let's get right down to business."

- VACATIONS - Why is it that no matter how well you plan for a vacation you always panice before you go. It's not necessarily the vacation itself, it's the stuff that has to get worked out in your real life while your gone that complicates things.

- MOVING - Part of my stress is also the fact that we're moving Aug 1st to a bigger house, so there is a lot of stress about the move and packing and sucking up to buddies to help move stuff. By the way if any readers aren't busy the last weekend in August...
Where does all the garbage come from? While packing we have uncovered at least 20 bags of garbage and we're not even half done yet. Now I don't mean like rotting food or wrappers but when you start the move process you find stuff that's broken or stuff you don't need and ratty clothes etc. It amazes me how much stuff I get rid of when I move, now if only I could stop accumulating new junk.

- SLEEP - Remember when you were a kid and you hated bed time? Or how about the days when you would get up waaaaaaay before your parents to watch cartoons or play outside? I am always amazed when little people fight having a nap. Babies have it made, imagine having someone cuddle you, feed you, put your jammies on and let you nap. I must be getting old because instead of dreaming about toys I dream about good sleeps. No one enjoys sleep as much as I do and lately I haven't gotten much. if I could even get 6 hours that'd be sweet. How much do you get?

- CFL PREDICTIONS - (Girls please skip to the next paragraph) Ok this'll be short. the games are;

Calgary at Hamilton - The despair continues for Hamilton. Calgary by 14 points.
Saskatchewan at BC - Close and exciting, with both teams trying to rebound from bad weeks. BC by 3
Montreal at Winnipeg - Montreal guaranteed a win...Winnipeg is improving each week and is fired up. Close but Winnipeg by a TD.

- THAT PAPERCLIP GUY - This lunatic sets out to trade a red paperclip for a house on July 12, 2006 and I hear about it and laugh. As if anyone would do that I thought to myself. Well the guy clearly isn't a lunatic as he succeeded! 1 year later and he made his 14th trade to get a house from the town of Kipling Saskatchewan. Maybe I could do something similar like, trade a half-chewed pencil for a guest starring role on the 'Trailer Park Boys.' I mean some say I look a little like Bubbles anyhow.

- THE ISRAEL SITUATION - Is it me or is that whole thing totally freaky? To recap, an Israeli soldier was kidnapped followed by the kidnapping of two more Israeli soldiers two weeks later. In retaliation Israel has now attacked the Palestinians, The Lebanese and is likely about to attack Syria then begin ground attacks in Southern Lebanon. Let's hope it doesn't escalate any further. Aren't you glad you live in Canada?

Alright that's it for now stay tuned tomorrow for my final blog and my introduction of NPNG's first-ever guest blogger! Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can take you on the loving sleep thing....they took me to a doctor when I was a baby because I slept throught the night so quick! But we are now in the era A.T. (After Tucker) He used to sit and stare at me in bed (at 5am) until I woke up and let him out. Now thanks to "Cesar's Way" we walk him twice a day, 6am, 6pm. So yes, I too miss sleep. A lot.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


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