I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Bonehead of the Week Double-Shot, #8 and #9

Ok so I am a week and a half late with #8 and a few days late for #9, sue me. I had to get these ones in even if it was late as they cannot go unpunished. Here goes.

I am sure by now everyone has forgotten the World Cup but as far as boneheaded plays go you can't beat the 'Headbutt heard round the world' by French legend Zinadine Zidane. Well Double Z really picked a rotten way to go out and seriously if you can't suck it up when someone is name calling in the biggest game ever then you should retire. The thing I don't get is if someone insults you bad enough that you resort to violence...Why head butt a guys chest? What an idiot. Give it to him in the teeth or punch or kick him, but headbutt a chest?! For unleashing the most feeble and awkward looking assault in the biggest game of his life I name Zinadine Zidane BOTW #8. Oh and just in case he reads this I am wearing an Ump's chest protector!

Now for something a little more recent.

We are all shocked and a little frightened by the Israel/Hezbollah/Lebanon/Other Nasty Countries situation taking place right now and thousands of Canadians are trying to flee from Lebanon. Canada, as well as many other countries are struggling to get our people out and it hasn't been easy. These people have had to wait for hours or days, they have travelled without a lot of amenities and been subjected to a lot of crowding...They are however still alive! The people back in Canada paying the taxes are paying for this escape too, unlike most of the dual-citizenshippers living in Labanon and mooching safe passage. Y'know what? Many of our families went through the same thing in WWII or other conflicts. Those situations were even worse.

Where am I going with this you wonder?

Some of the evacuees are complaining about there method of transportation. "We didn't have good food" or "We had to wait two days" etc. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You are alive and getting away free of charge! How about being thankful that you aren't dead?

For being an ungrateful bunch of whiners I am making (some not all) the vocal minority of evacuees from Lebanon BOTW #9.

How about next time we leave you there...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I was just about to lose it on ya! I was ready to come down the hall and give you a verbal flying knee like you never seen before HOWEVER, you saved yourself. I agree the people being evacuated from Lebenon should be grateful to Canada for coming to get them and then SHUT UP!!!!! Here is a novel idea: Why doesn't the Gov't of Canada start looking after the people in this country? Let's take that money we wasted going to get those people and put it towards communities around the country. Build more and better schools! Hire more teachers! How much money did the Lebonese Gov't put up? SWEET F&%$ ALL!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


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