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Friday, August 4, 2006

Afghanistan - Costly Mission Takes Heavy Toll

I haven't mentioned Afghanistan in a while but I thought it was necessary to bring it up in light of the horrendous losses we suffered yesterday. Within a span of hours we lost 4 soldiers and had 10 soldiers injured in multiple bombings and rocket attacks. I was completely unsurprised when shortly after the news broke that the majority of the media started with the usual knee-jerk "Should we be in Afghanistan?" questions.

I understand that is very distressing to hear about the losses but it shouldn't come as a surprise. Chief of the Defence Staff, General Rick Hillier took some heat prior to the mission beginning by suggesting that we would have casualties when we tried to get rid of these "Murderers and Scumbags" Many of the left-wing politicos decried his terse language even going as far as saying they were 'Un-Canadian.' Give me a break. Now maybe these people are seeing how dangerous the Taliban/Al Qaeda are. I still hear people talk about how we are 'peacekeepers' and that we should only do 'peacekeeping.' Well I am sorry but that is a farce. The days of monitoring cease-fires between willing former combatants are long over. There is no suck thing as 'peacekeeping' only 'peacemaking' and it's time people woke up and realized it.

We must remember that while we've lost over 20 soldiers in the last couple of years that the Taliban has suffered much heavier losses. Afghanistan has been a hotbed of fundamentalist/extremist terrorism for far too long and the Afghan people themselves are sick of it. The Afghan National Army (ANA) was fighting alongside the Canadians and losing their own people while our soldiers were being killed. We are fighting the Taliban with the Afghan people, that's what most people don't realize.

To keep Canadians safe we need to take the fight to the bad guys instead of waiting for them to attack here. On Canada AM yesterday I listened to the Afghan abassador speak of how much the people appreciate Canada and what we are doing. They long for peace and life free of the yoke of the former Taliban regime. Isn't that worth fighting for? Isn't that what Canada and her allies have always fought for?

The sacrifices we have made in Afghanistan are substantial. 23 dead is a heavy price, but if anyone was listening, the government and the military predicted that their would be losses. I think maybe a large portion of the public chose to stick their heads in the sand and try not to think about it. In WWI we lost close to 65,000. In WWII we lost just under 50,000. Korea we lost over 500. In armed conflicts, people die.

Afghanistan is recovering. It has a long way to go but with the help of Canadians both in and out of uniform we are making a difference. We have rebuilt schools and communities. We have offered humanitarian assistance and trained professionals as well as the ANA. We have rebuilt infrastructure and dealt many blows to the Taliban. We are not finished, and there is more heavy lifting ahead. We will suffer more casualties before the Taliban are flushed out, but we can't stop now.

This isn't Iraq. This isn't about George W. Bush, and it certainly isn't about oil. Some left-leaning politicians are trying to turn these losses into political gains by 'demanding' that we debate the mission or to just outright leave now and this is folly. All quitting now would do is slap the face of every family member that has lost someone in Afghanistan as well as a slap in the face to every soldier that has taken part in the mission so far. It tells the world, (Allies and Enemies alike) that Canada quits when the going gets tough, and that we can be pushed around and threatened. Do you think pulling out would magically keep us safe from terrorism?

I was pleased to see that not everyone on the left is a lunatic. Bob Rae, the former NDP Premier of Ontario and current Federal Liberal leadership candidate, shocked me when he said that pulling out is not the answer and that we need to support our troops and not constantly bicker about the mission. The very same message given by Tory PM Stephen Harper. That kind of unified front is a relief. Of course Ujjal Dosanjh, the Liberal Defence critic is ranting that we should debate the mission since it is no longer 'peacekeeping' to which I respond; Ujjal. Have you ever had any experience in the military? Ever? Then do us a favour and SHUT UP! I am so tired of his inane braying I am ready to snap. I apologize if this seems extreme but politicizing the deaths of our troops is heinous, and Dosanjh is a blowhard that I have zero respect for.

Nothing will bring back the outstanding citizens we have lost, but pulling out would certainly do them all a tremendous disservice. I respect the opinions of those that don't believe we should be over there, if they actually know the facts, but regardless all I ask is for everyone to support the soldiers who are doing a dangerous job on behalf of all Canadians. They deserve that much.


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