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Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Pedophile On the Loose

Convicted Pedophile Peter Robert Joseph Whitmore is on the loose and has two children aged 10 and 14 with him. This story sickens us all, especially if we are parents but there is another element to this story that is just as bad

This is not Whitmore's first offence, it's not even his second offence. He has in fact been convicted 4 times and served close to ten years in total. Clearly he is a dangerous offender so why was he able to get away with this? Why was he not locked up? Because existing law is feeble in it's power to hold these monsters back from our defenceless society.

The RCMP in this case weren't even aware that he was in the province until he started their investigation.

The main problem of course is inadequate legal power to track these pedophiles. In this age of political correctness The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is being used as a shield to protect the rights of the offenders while causing grief to victims and their families. Under Criminal Code Section 810, a cumbersome piece of legislation at best, He was restricted from direct and indirect contact with minors. Unfortunately this replacement for toilet paper is only good in the province it was issued, and it expires after 1 year. Therefore any subsequent moves would require a new filing to keep the ban going.

The other problem is the Sex Offender Registry. As we saw with the recent release of Karla Homolka, it is very difficult to track people once they are out of prison. Sex Offenders are supposed to register once they find a place to live but many do not. In many cases all an offender needs to do to avoid the registry is to move to another province. The Mulroney Conservatives had a fairly tough piece of anti-sex offender legislation ready to go but were defeated by the Liberals and it was forgotten. The Liberals promised to bring in legislation of their own but as was the case with many Liberal promises, it never happened.

Many experts agree that pedophiles cannot be rehabilitated. In other words, if they are circulating in the community, they are much like sharks in a feeding frenzy with our children as the prey.

In BC the police tried monitoring 12 recently released sex-offenders to see if they avoided children and after 20 days, One man used his girlfriend to lure a child to a hotel. Two others were volunteering at a church-run daycare. Seven of the twelve offenders were eventually re-arrested.

I believe that pedophiles are the dregs of society, worse than murderers and right up there with Hitler, Bin Laden and any other proverbial boogeyman out there. They cannot be rehabilitated and they shouldn't be allowed on the streets. The Government of Canada MUST do something to protect our children and frankly if it violates the rights of an offender...WHO CARES? As far as I'm concerned when you have committed an atrocity like this you lose your rights. There are literally thousands of abusers living right across the country, most of which are completely unknown in their communities, and history has shown that it's not a question of if, but when.

Your child could be next...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totaly agree. I belive this sick addiction can not be "cured". This is a nuerological function, and these people can not help themselves. To me it is not a question of IF but WHEN. As a society we believe in constant monitoring for those that may hurt themselves. IS it too much to ask for constant monitoring of those that will hurt others?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


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