I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Monday, July 31, 2006

Blogger Buffet - Random Musings on a Monday Morning

I am still surrounded by boxes after the majority of the move was finished without any help from yours truly. My back is still sore from my filing cabinet incident and so with the medication, (Tylenol 3 + muscle relaxants = sleepy time) I am not much use. (My wife would argue that I am not much use anyway but that is a whole other blog topic. So before I nod off (it's before 7am as I get ready for work) I will try and get this done.

Child Support - Retroactive Payments Approved by Supreme Court - So the Supreme court has decided that with regard to child support payments, men are now on the hook retroactively for any increased income they receive. What does this mean? It means that men get done to them by the courts what they did to create the children in the first place. Officially it covers any spouse, male or female but we all know that isn't the case in reality. Don't get me wrong I think both parents should bear the brunt of raising the children equally but I think the support guidelines are out of control. I have seen first hand how many guys are ruined financially for the rest of their lives because of the way the system works and I think, for the most part, men are treated far more harshly by the courts when it comes to both support and custody. The bottom line is that the system should be revamped and made equal for both parties.

Lance Bass is Gay - ...really? wow....what a shocker...I never saw that coming. In my books this falls under the category of 'who cares?' Seriously, Were you waiting for a comeback tour by N Sync? Why is it such a big deal? Are the other guys from the band going to come out and say 'I'm straight?' In this day and age does it really matter? If this story hadn't 'broken' would I even know who this guy is?

Mel Gibson - Friendly Actor/Director, or Drunken Anti-Semite? In case you haven't heard, Mel Gibson was arrested for drunk driving in Malibu recently. A bit disappointing but it's almost part of the celebrity checklist these days. However details are beginning to trickle out that make this a big story. Mel apparently tried to run for his car when he found out he was getting taken in. Once the cops cuffed him he threatened them and began asking if one of the officers was a Jew and then proceeded to talk smack about Jews. If you remember, when 'The Passion' came out some thought it was a little anti-semitic to which Gibson responded about how he loved all religions and that he was a fan of the Jewish people. Well if the allegations are true and Gibson made those statements does that prove what detractors were saying all along? Ugh what a nightmare. 'Mad Max' is finished.

Canadian Idol - Oh yah I don't watch it because it sucks large.

RCMP Shoot Whale - "Bad Whales, Bad Whales, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?" So a Minke Whale washed up on the beach and it was injured and sunburned so the RCMP were called in to euthanize it. Now I'm worried about falling asleep at the beach.

The Colbert Report - If you haven't seen it, watch it. The guy is hilarious and pokes fun at the USA constantly, (he's American) he has even poked fun at Canada. If you enjoy political humour and/or The Daily Show with John Stewart then Stephen Colbert is the guy for you. I would love to be the Canadian version of Mr Colbert.

CHAMP car fight - So Canadians Paul Tracy and Alex Tagliani had a fight after Tracy crashed into Tag and put them both out of the race. Sweet. I never watch CHAMP car as I find it boring ever since Greg Moore died. That being said I was glued to the replays of the accident and the fight. Maybe CHAMP Car could have a fight every week and maybe I'd watch. Seriously, they need to merge with IRL or they will fold. Good fight though.

Athletes Caught Using Performance Enhancing Drugs - On the heels of Tour de France Winner Floyd Landis getting busted for drugs, now American sprinter Justin Gatlin has been caught too. Both of them have tried the 'I don't know how it got there' excuse but I am not buying the whole global conspiracy thing. I tried that when I was a kid stealing cookies but it didn't work for me either, (might have been the cookie crumbs around my mouth). I think they need to expand the 'performance enhancing substances' tests. I know if it weren't for doughnuts and energy drinks I wouldn't be able to perform at such a high level either. Maybe we should let everyone use everything and then just think of the performances we'd see? That'd be awesome!

Time for me to wrap this up so I can power nap for twenty minutes or so before I go to work. Finally a shout out to Wesley Snipes who celebrates his 44th Birthday today, now please stop making 'Blade' movies.

Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!


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