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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Bonehead of the Week #10 - ROCKing the boat

I love going to the movies, it's one of my favourite pastimes. I am not a movie snob either, I like just about any genre, even the odd 'chick flick.' One of my favourite movie franchises when I was a kid was of course, the Rocky movies. With the ever-popular theme of an underdog, fighting his way to the top against all odds, what's not to like?

In fact the franchise even began to offer subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, commentaries on greater issues, such as Redemption, Communism, World Peace, Pride and respect.

As each movie came along Rocky got bigger and so did the bad guys. Mr T as 'Clubber Lang' and Dolph Lundgren as 'Ivan Drago' But frankly the franchise should have ended after Rocky IV. Rocky V with real life boxer Tommy Morrison was a disappointment and it seemed that the franchise died. Unfortunately I think Sly Stallone took a few too many shots to the head while filming since he has just finished production on the latest imminent failure, simply titled 'Rocky Balboa.' This has become an embarrassment and to make matters worse, Sly is also considering another 'Rambo' movie! What is he gonna fight next? Parkinson's? Arthritis? maybe an epic battle with impotence? ugh. I just hope he doesn't make a sequel to Cobra or Rhinestone II with Dolly Parton.

For relentlessly beating a dead horse I am naming Sylvester Stallone with my 10th BOTW award! Besides I don't need to see the latest Rocky movie as it already happened in real life to Ken Shamrock. Ouch! Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!


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