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Monday, September 18, 2006

Afghanistan - 4 Canadians Killed in Cowardly Act

I admit I am sick of hearing about Afghanistan. Millions of other Canadians are sick of hearing about Afghanistan. That's just the way it is in this information age. In WWI you would read it in the paper. In WWII you would also see it in movie theatres and hear it on the radio. When Korea rolled around there would be the occasional TV piece, usually quite old by the time it got to air and not very informative. Unfortunately today things are much, much different.

With the speed that news gets to us everything has changed. Within minutes of an awful catastrophe anywhere in the world the media are usually spreading the info like wildfire and by more means than ever. Print media, Radio, TV and now Internet, Webcasts, Podcasts, text messaging and even cell phones repeat the horror ad infinitum and usually as graphically as possible.

Anytime a soldier dies it is a sad day for our country, but let's keep it in perspective. During 5 years of action in Afghanistan we have lost (as of the 18th of Sept) 37 personnel. During 4 years in Korea we lost 516, WWII saw just over 42,000 lose their lives for the price of freedom through 6 years of horror. Finally WWI took over 67,000 Canadians in 5 years.

Did human life mean less back then? Did we, as a society, care less back then? Of course not. So why is it that everyone is so much more shocked now? I think a lot of the reason is the constant reminders we get whenever someone dies in conflict. Soon after the deaths are announced we see the pictures of the fallen plastered everywhere and it really hits home.

Further complicating the situation is the fact that Canada has been remarkably blessed with peace on our soil since the 1800's and we have grown to believe that it will always remain so, hence we are reluctant to fight. Our military heritage is part of what makes our nation great and the constant pacifist soundtrack coming from the political left has now started to influence the masses to the point where average Canadians are anxious to pull out without really understanding why we are there. Part of that problem lies with a minority government that's scared to explain it better leading to a fear of the unknown.

Let me be clear in this. Canadians are making a difference in Afghanistan and more casualties are inevitable. The cause is just and the Afghan people are grateful and want our help. We must press on or all the work we have completed will have been for nothing, as will the deaths of 37 great Canadians.

Until next time remember, no Payne, no gain.


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