I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Blogger Buffet - Canada's Secret Weapon, Smoking, Squash and more

I'm in a bad mood. I lost at Squash and I am being a baby about it. More on my squash problems in a minute. I will also reveal Canada's Secret Weapon of diplomacy and discuss teen smoking and my pure hatred of padlocks.

First things first.

Squash - I wish I would have caught on to this game sooner! Great exercise and lots of fun but I am a sore loser. I played today against a guy that is at my feeble level and we have had a few good games recently. Today was a different story. It started bad when I had to use a ball that is much livelier than I am used too and I played poorly at the start also. Once I got into a hole I lost motivation and it showed. I played terribly while my opponent was strong and after losing 9-1, 9-1, 9-4, 9-1 I made a long overdue comeback attempt only to choke and lose 9-5 or something. Now I want to mope and break stuff.

Teen's Smoking - When I was a kid I remember trying cigarettes and thinking I was cool. Me and my friends would get smokes and go somewhere in the wilderness to 'act cool' as we tried to stifle our coughs and hide the smell. Back then we didn't fully understand the dangers of smoking. These days however everywhere you go you see information about smoking including several high-profile victims that made anti-smoking commercials as they slowly succumbed to their deaths. So with all that info and the fact that smoking is generally viewed as disgusting, why do kids do it? I saw some young teenagers today sucking back on cancer sticks and I wanted to go act like a crazy old man and ask them what benefit it gave them? Nice Pearly Yellows? a terrific new scent? maybe an attractive cough? All for the low low price of an hours wage for a pack? Ugh! I just don't get it...I hope my kids are smarter.

Padlocks - Ok I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer some days I admit it. I even made myself the Bonehead of the Week on my own blog once. Well I managed to grow the legend even more today. After my humiliating defeat in squash at the hands of a co-worker I slunk back to the locker room to lick my wounds. The first slap in the face was the cold shower. The gym was undergoing maintenance and I actually knew ahead of time but forgot as I sulked into the showers. WOW was that cold! part of me went into hybernation. Just when I thought it wouldn't get worse I got dressed and realized just as I clicked my padlock shut that my keys were inside the locker...I had to get the 'spare' key from the gym staff and cut my lock open. How embarrassing. Now I have to get another lock, though this one will likely be a combination lock.

Canada's Secret Weapon - based on eye-witness reports and a couple of photos it seems there are some sparks flying between Foreign Affairs Minister Peter McKay and US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. I really liked the photo of the two of them holding hands that was cute but I doubt there is any truth to the rumour. I gotta say though, if it is true, Peter McKay could be used to woo all sorts of foreign leaders into doing our bidding Muah ha ha! Think of the fun when our very own international man of mystery, Peter McKay 'Shags' Canada's way into world dominance! Yeah baby!

I am off tomorrow on a little adventure I look forward to telling you all about next week. So I probably won't have an entry for you until the weekend. If you have nothing to do tonight try watching season 4 of The Ultimate Fighter! You can't go wrong with two guys beating each other up! That is wholesome family entertainment.

Until next time remember, no Payne, no gain!


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