I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Blogger Buffet - NDP, Afghanistan, Reality shows and more!

I have rage issues, I really do. I should seek (more) counselling but that is a blog for another day. Today I will jump from subject to subject with my usual reckless abandon. Enjoy!

Jack Layton and the NDP - Maybe NDP should stand for Neverending Dumb Pronouncements. The president of the NDP riding association for Nanaimo Cowichan on Vancouver Island said that our soldiers were "acting like terrorists, murdering civilians and children..." How ridiculous is that? Jack Layton of course is leading the way for the Left Wing Lunatics by saying we should sit down and negotiate with the Taliban...NEGOTIATE!? Ugh! If there is something wrong with my car I ask a mechanic, if there is something wrong with my toilet I see a plumber so why would I listen to a blowhard politician about the military?

Afghanistan - If I want to know about Afghanistan how about I listen to the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO General James Jones - "There is progress. There is reconstruction. Six million Afghan students are now going to school. 2 Million of them are young girls. 80% of the Afghan people have access to health care now that where there was none just a few years ago. There is a very aggressive Attorney General that has pledged to wage a war against corruption and corrupt officials. These are the measures of the future they will get Afghanistan back on the road to recovery." or retired Major General Lewis Mackenzie who said that Jack Layton is; "Stuck on the dated notion of peacekeeping" in fact, on the subject of 'peacekeeping' a Polaris institute study in March of this year had some interesting things to say like; "Canada is not alone in having virtually abandoned UN peacekeeping. In fact, most of the Western-aligned middle-power states now contribute very little to UN missions." they also pointed out a few interesting facts;
- There are 49 countries that provide more personnel to the UN for peacekeeping than we do.
- We spend less than 3% of our military budget on peacekeeping.
- Canada contributes less than 1/10th of 1% of military personnel to the UN.
- Canada is 8th in military spending to the UN within NATO.
- Finally - 8 countries provide more personnel each, than all 26 NATO countries combined. They are; Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Jordan, Nepal, Pakistan, and Uruguay.
So much for this idea that we are a mighty nation of peacekeepers. Peacekeeping is a lie and we are now in the business of peacemaking and nation building while combatting terrorism.
It has nothing to do with George Bush, America or oil.
It has nothing to do with fighting against the Afghan people.
It has everything to do with stopping terrorists from using Afghanistan as a breeding ground.
It has everything to do with standing up for what's right and helping the Afghan people.

CFL - My BC Lions are awesome and the Hamilton Tiger cats still suck. The games are exciting and with a few late NFL cuts providing an injection of talent the stretch run will be exciting. The CFL is much closer to the NFL in terms of Talent than people realize and I am excited about this year's Grey Cup. Also a tip of the Hat to Damon Allen who is now Pro Football's all-time leading passer!

Rockstar Supernova - I was bummed last week when Ryan left as I thought he was incredible but seeing Storm (future porn star) Large get punted almost made up for it. With Dilana the human pin-cushion freefalling out of contention the front-runners seem to be Canadian Lukas and Toby the Aussie heart-throb. Wouldn't it be great if a Canadian won both seasons of Rockstar? Frankly though I think Supernova will be pretty short-lived either way.

Big Brother 7 All Stars - I think Will deserves his own show. He is the most entertaining guy in reality TV. When he was voted out I was devastated but he was pretty lucky to get as far as he did. I think Mike Boogie is doomed. so which Bimbo will win? Janelle or Erika? I can't wait to see more footage from the Jury house!

Paris Hilton Caught Drinking and Driving - Oh well at least she didn't blame the Jews.

My Physical Fitness - I am down from my all time rotundity of 235 and currently creaking the scales at a mushy 198ish but I am going to the gym more and playing lots of Squash so hopefully I will reach my goal weight of 185 by Christmas. One day I may be more inverted triangle than chubby pear.

Tito the Wunderpooper - My awesome 7 pound crapping machine is slowly understanding that 'doing his business' outside is better than doing it in the living room. He is also learning to sit, lay down, stay, heel and lick his own crotch, oh wait he has mastered that last one already. Anyway he is very cute and I look forward to the day when I can leave him unattended for longer than a nanosecond.

That's all the ramblings that are fit to print today, check back tomorrow when we analyze rage. Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!


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