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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Payneful Top 10 - New York Islanders Stupidity

Before I start I just want to let everyone know that I managed to go a whole day without mentioning the NDP. Each day is a struggle but I will keep trying and I guess the important first step is admitting that I have a problem.

As most of you know I am a huge Canucks fan, and we haven't had a lot to cheer for over the years. The closest we have come to winning the cup was losing in the final. Once to the Rangers in 94, and once in 1982 to the New York Islanders.

The 1982 New York Islanders were at their peek in 1982 with the likes of Bossy, Trottier, and Billy Smith and were a proud franchise that handily dispatched my team of lovable losers in ugly uniforms in 4 straight games. Times have not been good to the Islanders since the mid-80's to the present and it is with that in mind I give you this week's...

Payneful Top 10 - The New York Islanders Worst Ever Moves

10) - The Capt Highliner logo. Redesigned to bring a modern look to a 70's uniform this blatant rip off of the Capt Highliner logo was awful and everyone hated it. Well The hated rival New York Ranger fans probably liked it as they would chant "We want fish sticks" whenever the Isles were in town.

9) - Keeping Mike Milbury for so long. Mike has done a terrible job for 10 years + and is partly if not wholly responsible for many of the other moves on this top 10 list. After all of it it seems that he is still with the organization although his duties are not very clear.

8) - Pat LaFontaine, one of the greatest American players ever and one time soul of the Islanders is a class act all around. Fans will always remember his goal that ended the longest playoff game ever and to have him as part of your organization lends instant credibility. The fact that he left an organization he cares so deeply about goes to show you how bad things have to be for him to leave.

7) - Hiring then firing Neil Smith. As much as I hate him for being 'the enemy' (see 94 Ranger cup win over the Canucks) he is a shrewd GM. He made an instant impact adding some valuable players to the team during his short stay. Much like the LaFontaine situation though, Neil saw that Neil Smith was as loonie as Jack Layton and jumped ship. Smart move Neil.

6) - When that Jerk Keenan was ruining things in Vancouver (what we Canucks fans call the dark ages) one of the saddest days was when Iron Mike ran Linden out of town. As devastated as I was to see Trev go we got back Bertuzzi and McCabe (who later turned into a key part of the deal that got the 'Nucks the Sedins) Bertuzzi went on to be great (prior to flattening cry-baby Steve Moore) and it almost made up for the Canucks Neely for Pederson deal from a decade earlier. The Islanders eventually got rid of Linden and were left with nothing.

5) - Luongo and Jokinen for Parrish and Kvasha. Jokinen went on to become the captain of the Panthers and Luongo became one of the top 3 goalies in the league. While Parrish enjoyed some success he eventually was run out of town and where on Earth is Kvasha? can anyone tell me?

4) - Hiring a backup goalie to be your GM 1.5 million. Garth Snow was never a very good goalie but I guess owner Charles Wang figured that kind of mediocrity could translate into a good mediocre GM which I think he wanted since any experienced GM would tell him to get bent. Here is a point to ponder; Garth Snow's salary counts against the cap for two years so theoretically he could trade himself to a contender still...

3) - Signing floater Alexei Yashin to a 10 year deal. Surprisingly this is now the 2nd stupidest contract the Islanders have. His salary, which is the max under the cap, has hamstrung the organization, though you could argue it's a moot point anyhow. I am nearly speechless.

2) - "No seriously, is that true?" I exclaimed to my buddy after regaining my breath and wiping the tears from my eyes after laughing so hard I was nearly unconscious. It seems owner Charles Wang thinks that a Sumo wrestler, if given the proper training, would make an excellent goalie... HA HA HA HA HA, oh, (moan) ha ha...heh heh...phew! I need oxygen.

1) - DiPietro signs 67 million dollar 15 year contract. Ok now I am speechless... GM's around the league laugh and get Garth Snow on speed dial.

What a sad situation for the Islanders fans. I'm just glad that the Canucks don't have a Wang to worry about.

Until next time remember, no Payne, no gain...


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